"Не коррупция, а лоббирование"
Evidence: US is not a democracy | Princeton University study,Education,Taiwan,hong kong,xingjiang,brainwash,china,taiwanese youth,US / Western propaganda always says that the US bombs and invades other countries in order to promote democracy and freedom. They apply brutal sanctions that deprive innocent people of medicines and food. They overthrow other nations' governments by secretly working with extremists and separatists in those nations and install pro-US regimes. They do this ALL in the name of democracy when the fact is they don't even have one! It's insanely mind-boggling but, that's just what propaganda does. It twists logic and reality to the point where words and actions are meaningless.
Марксистский кружок,Марксизм, Коммунизм, Социализм, Левые, Классовая борьба,социал-демократы,анархо-коммунисты,Карл Маркс,Владимир Ленин,пролетариат,политэкономия,диамат,разное,США,страны,демократия,видео,video,разная политота
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