The Lord of Bumblebees - Breeding and rearing of bumblebees - Bumblebees feeding | POLISH / не повторять :: властелин шмелей :: поляки :: шмели

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The Lord of Bumblebees - Breeding and rearing of bumblebees - Bumblebees feeding | POLISH BUMBLEBEE,Pets & Animals,Bumblebee,Bumblebees,bumblebees life cycle,bumblebee life cycle,life cycle of bumblebees,life cycle of bumblebee,Rearing of bumblebees,Breeding of bumblebees,Breeding and rearing of bumblebees,Bumblebees breeding,Bumblebees rearing,Trzmiele,Hodowla trzmieli,Trzmiele do zapylania,Hummeln,Шмели,Bourdons,Abejorros,Abelhas,Bombi,Bombus arıları,バンブルビー,大黃蜂,طنانة,बम्बल,बम्बल मक्खी,Bondari,Βομβίνοι,Marcin Matuszak,Feeding the bumblebees - How to feed bumblebees (Cómo alimentar a los abejorros; Comment nourrir les bourdons; Wie man Hummeln füttert; Come nutrire i bombi; Как кормить шмелей). Breeding and Rearing of Bumblebees. Specialized Breeding Farm POLISH BUMBLEBEE (POLSKI TRZMIEL). Bumblebees for pollination - Bumblebee breeding courses - Special orders: BUMBLEBEE BREEDING COURSES: Due to the flood of emails and phone calls from everyone interested in this topic, I am delighted to announce that I run bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) breeding courses every year, but only from October to December. These are individual courses lasting one, two, three or five days (everything depends on you). During the course I present and discuss all stages of bumblebee breeding in connection with important secondary subjects such as food preparation, syrup conservation, etc. I sit and talk, you work! Of course, the course is free of charge – you only need to buy 100 queens for each day of your stay (one day – 100 pieces; three days – 300 pieces, etc.), which you have to dig up yourself. I also provide a professional English translator, hotel accommodation and meals in a nearby restaurant. Important! All you need to start with is a temperature-controlled refrigerator and a 2x3m breeding room equipped with a heater, air humidifier, air dryer, thermometer, hygrometer. Due to my professional duties and veterinary requirements, I ask you to book a visit well in advance. Questions: Marcin Matuszak P.S. If you're crazy enough and have the financial resources, I can come to you for up to 3-4 months (one breeding cycle) and help you set up a professional and profitable bumblebee farm. BRIEFLY ABOUT US: POLSKI TRZMIEL (POLISH BUMBLEBEE) – a specialist breeding farm – started operating (in a symbolic way) on 7 June 2002, when we were qualified and invited to participate in a very innovative and unique European project carried out by the Polish Ecological Club and Beekeeping Division of the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Puławy entitled: "Implementation of bumblebees into agricultural practice by developing breeding of the selected species under controlled conditions". The programme was co-financed by the agenda of the UN–UNDP. Those directly responsible for its implementation were: Prof. Mieczysław Biliński – scientific supervision, and Dr Stanisław Flaga – the national project coordinator. We received our first earth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queens, originating of course from Prof. Mieczysław Biliński’s the breeding operation in March 2003. Initially the breeding was only conducted seasonally and on a small scale. During the first three years all the bred families/colonies were distributed to local gardeners, schools and nature lovers, and each comment about how the bumblebees behaved and worked was carefully recorded, analysed and consulted with scientific supervisors. The next few years were devoted to the constant improvement of breeding technology, enlarging and equipping laboratories, developing our own breeding lines, and of course gaining new customers. Nowadays, thanks to the persistence and hard work of the whole family, we are the largest farm in Poland engaged in the breeding and rearing of bumblebees on a year-round basis, and our customers are not only gardeners growing vegetables under cover and fruit growers, but also research institutions and universities. Karmienie trzmieli - Jak karmić trzmiele - Pokarm dla trzmieli. Hodowla i Chów Trzmieli POLSKI TRZMIEL - Trzmiele do zapylania sadów, jagodników, upraw polowych oraz upraw pod osłonami - Kursy hodowli trzmieli (Bombus terrestris) - Zamówienia specjalne itp. Hodowla trzmieli / Trzmiele do zapylania / Polski trzmiel
шмели,властелин шмелей,поляки,не повторять
Так шмели вроде не агрессивные же, пока напрягать не начнешь, кусаться не будут.
chuma chuma 11.09.202211:31 ответить ссылка 1.9
Конечно, но когда их столько в замкнутом пространстве, то парочка легко может цапнуть.
Чтобы шмель ужалил, надо очень конкретно к нему доебаться. А по болевым ощущениям он жалит даже слабее пчелы.
Вот всё поляки могут: и Ведьмак у них лучше, чем у Нетфликса, теперь Властелина сняли качественней, чем Амазон )
@ltmaster @ltmaster 11.09.202211:35 ответить ссылка 12.1
ну там кто то из этих ща сериал про киберпунк снимает, вот и посмотрим у кого лучше получится )
ха-ха, не думаю, что связка Нетфликс и Триггер выдаст что-то хорошее. По первым трейлерам- уже нутакое, лучше выглядит, конечно, чем аниме по звёздным войнам, но ожидаемо плохо
не, ну на нетфликсе "разочерование" от гроунинга вполне ничо. просто они берут из того, что есть.
рад за пашу техника взялся за голову - моё уважение
s0v3r s0v3r 11.09.202211:46 ответить ссылка 0.4
Мда, в такой ситуации главное рот не разевать )
jc1985 jc1985 11.09.202212:09 ответить ссылка 1.4
Что он с шмелями делает?
Azaria Azaria 11.09.202213:16 ответить ссылка 1.3
Кормит брикетами пыльцы.
Шмелей юзают для опыления в теплицах. ХЗ чем, но они лучше пчел.
DutchL DutchL 11.09.202221:09 ответить ссылка 1.2
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