я вообще считаю что жукам и механоидам нужно выделять отдельное обновление, и если на механоидов условно можно забить по типу "ой, да за последние аптейды добавили двух мехов и евенты с кластерами", то вот жуков не меняли с обновления... 18,19?
Если чуваки правы и разработчики интегрируют Vanilla Expanded, то там просто напросто ВСЕ обновят и жуков в том числе. А если нет, ну может когда-нибудь дождемся.
М - возможно механойды.
так как это самая информативная обложка из всех длц, тут хоть есть о чем подумать, тут сразу иная расса, пиздюк и мехасобака с мехаштукой
Они всегда были же каноном, ну. У игры существует немного официального лора, в котором издавна было написано буквально следующее:
"Ordo Historia records list thousands of reported contacts with alien life. However, in every case that has been thoroughly investigated, Ordo inquierers have discovered that the alien was, in fact, simply another branch of humanity.
Beyond the technological diversity of our species, there is also a broad biological diversity. Some populations have evolved under the selection pressures of pre-industrial life or on a world of great heat or cold, or high or low gravity, or even worlds bathed in the toxic residue of hyper-destructive wars. Though almost all such xenohumans (as they are called) are recognizably descended from the original Earth stock, their morphology is highly variable. Some are giants; other are tiny or squat. Some are dark; others pale as snow. Some are hairy like animals; others perfectly smooth. Diets, dispositions, and chemical and radiological tolerances vary significantly."
anpe/in r.
N7Huntsman 12.04.20247:56
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Combat Extended beta of RW version 1.5. Please review the following carefully.
This version of Combat Extended is currently in the early phases of active development. Many features are currently broken or disabled, an
R - royalty.
I - ideology.
M - ? Mutation?
так как это самая информативная обложка из всех длц, тут хоть есть о чем подумать, тут сразу иная расса, пиздюк и мехасобака с мехаштукой
Вот честно, из модов, которые можно спереть, меньше всего ожидал павнморфера с CSL.
"Ordo Historia records list thousands of reported contacts with alien life. However, in every case that has been thoroughly investigated, Ordo inquierers have discovered that the alien was, in fact, simply another branch of humanity.
Beyond the technological diversity of our species, there is also a broad biological diversity. Some populations have evolved under the selection pressures of pre-industrial life or on a world of great heat or cold, or high or low gravity, or even worlds bathed in the toxic residue of hyper-destructive wars. Though almost all such xenohumans (as they are called) are recognizably descended from the original Earth stock, their morphology is highly variable. Some are giants; other are tiny or squat. Some are dark; others pale as snow. Some are hairy like animals; others perfectly smooth. Diets, dispositions, and chemical and radiological tolerances vary significantly."