OCCULTIST OPS todos los eLemenTos conTraDicTorios aL movimienTo De uniFicación pouviana DeBerán anDar con eL TesTamenTo Bajo eL Brazo, por oue seremos TaxaTivos. no HaBrá perDón para eL simpaTizanTe aueniGena.
Advisor Fulgora OCCULTIST OPS Advisor Meteora ARMORED OPS Advisor Aurora BUDGET
oi-3; 53 todos los eLemenTos conTraDicTorios aL movimienTj uniFicación poLiviana DeBerán anüar con eu t< eL Brazo, por oue seremos Taxanvos. simpanzanTe aueníGena.
ELECTRONICS WARFARE UNIT// CALLSIGN GRÄFIN //AUG A CAUTION Firearms disintegrated are not tax deductible or eligible for insurance claims
MARIE @9QsGraphics
YOU GET: Webley Revolver + Makes you a cup of coffee every morning - Leaves feathers everywhere ? Lays eggs YOU GET: + Leaves beef jerky in your jacket’s pockets - Almost mute ? Stronger than you YOU GET: Type 56 + Shares her booze stash with you - Unfolds your laundry ? Sweaty all day
polilla,Maid,art барышня,art,арт,длиннопост
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