Трейлер ремастера Geneforge 2 - Infestation
По многим оценкам 2-я часть лучшая из всей серии, и теперь ждем ее апгрейда с новым контентом :)
Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter Trailer,Gaming,,Spiderweb Software is excited to announce the impending launch of the Geneforge 2: Infestation Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter will begin on February 8, and you can wishlist/back it at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spiderwebsoftware/geneforge-2-infestation Geneforge 2 will have improved visuals, a new melee and missile system, and new content including characters, storylines and abilities. There are also several planned stretch goals which, if reached, will fund new missions to explore and monsters to create to serve you.
Spiderweb software,Geneforge,Geneforge 2,трейлер,видео,video,Игровые новости,Игры
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