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Exam results (ordered by GPT 3.5 performance) GPT 4 ■ Estimated percentile lower bound (among test takers) GPT 4 (no vision) GPT 3.5 ■ Figure 4. GPT performance on academic and professional exams. In each case, we simulate the conditions and scoring of the real exam. Exams are ordered from low to high based on GPT-3.5 performance. GPT-4 outperforms GPT-3.5 on most exams tested. To be conservative we report the lower end of the range of percentiles, but this creates some artifacts on the AP exams which have very wide scoring bins. For example although GPT-4 attains the highest possible score on AP Biology (5/5), this is only shown in the plot as 85th percentile because 15 percent of test-takers achieve that score.
User Can you explain why this is funny. Think about it step-by-step. But unironically GPT-4 The comic is satirizing the difference in approaches to improving model performance between statistical learning and neural networks. In statistical learning, the character is shown to be concerned with overfitting and suggests a series of complex and technical solutions, such as minimizing structural risk, reworking the loss function, and using a soft margin. In contrast, the neural networks character simply suggests adding more layers to the model. This is often seen as a common solution to improving performance in neural networks, but it's also considered a simplistic and brute-force approach. The humor comes from the contrast between the complexity and specificity of the statistical learning approach and the simplicity and generality of the neural network approach. The "But unironically" comment adds to the humor by implying that, despite being simplistic, the "stack more layers" approach is often effective in practice.
нейронные сети,GPT-4,OpenAI
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отошёл на 5 минут в туалет = спиздил 5 мин рабочего времени
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По идее, если купишь премиум для ChatGPT, то 4 версия должна будет появиться автоматически.
4:20 Given both the competitive landscape and the safety implications of large-scale models like GPT-4, this report contains no further details about the architecture (including model size), hardware, training compute, dataset construction, training method, or similar.
Русишь также понимать. Но куда богаче знаний имеет на ингрише. Так что если что-то сложное ищешь - лучше в переводчик запрос а потом на ингрише в поисковик. (сам так делаю)
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