File: rs 560x415-140707115515-5f-1.jpg (30 KB. 560x415) □ Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)23:51 18 No.6 / 4chan :: 4chan :: без перевода :: котє :: сайт хорошего настроения :: cats

сайт хорошего настроения котє без перевода 4chan 
File: rs 560x415-140707115515-5f-1.jpg (30 KB. 560x415)
□ Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)23:51 18 No.65537213 ►
>	be me, 5
>	afraid of the dark because I'm a little wimp
>	mommy says I'm not allowed to keep the lights on at night anymore
>	lying in bed afraid
>	kitty jumps into my bed
>	purrs and
File: rs 560x415-140707115515-5f-1.jpg (30 KB. 560x415) □ Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)23:51 18 No.65537213 ► > be me, 5 > afraid of the dark because I'm a little wimp > mommy says I'm not allowed to keep the lights on at night anymore > lying in bed afraid > kitty jumps into my bed > purrs and stays next to me > "goodnight, buddy" > kitty makes me feel not so afraid > be me, 20 > in college across the state > mom calls, tells me cat has kidney failure > drive home > cat is in vet's office, lying on table > hug him > he starts to purr > "goodnight buddy" > try to make him not so afraid > purring eventually stops > keep hugging him for a long time before going home I miss you, buddy
сайт хорошего настроения,котє,без перевода,4chan,cats,4chan
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Dansaris Dansaris 06.10.202310:38 ответить ссылка 14.4
Да уж, подняли настроение с утра.

У меня с начала года трое ушли на Радугу.
Ну спасибо, случайный человек с мертвым котом
Dr.Logan Dr.Logan 06.10.202312:48 ответить ссылка 3.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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06/04/22(Sat)04:50:30 No.68906733
>finally have sex
>really hot girl no idea how I
scored her
>cannot seem to cum at all >she starts complaining >l start trying to think of the most fucked up hentai I could >instantly cum buckets
Am I broken

4chan без перевода 4chan

: Anonymous 06/04/22(Sat)04:50:30 No.68906733 19 KB PNG >finally have sex >really hot girl no idea how I scored her >cannot seem to cum at all >she starts complaining >l start trying to think of the most fucked up hentai I could >instantly cum buckets Am I broken
File: 1358702461176 |PQ-i'6Q0 KB, 1536x2048. 032.jpg)
□ Anonymous (ID: MroljVPh) 01/20/13(Sun)12:21:01 No.452416453
Sup /b/, today marks the anniversary of my best friend's death.
>Be 13 years ago on Valentine's day.
>10 years old with best friend Chelsea. I knew I loved her even then >l drew h

тредшот грустнота 4chan сайт хорошего настроения

File: 1358702461176 |PQ-i'6Q0 KB, 1536x2048. 032.jpg) □ Anonymous (ID: MroljVPh) 01/20/13(Sun)12:21:01 No.452416453 Sup /b/, today marks the anniversary of my best friend's death. >Be 13 years ago on Valentine's day. >10 years old with best friend Chelsea. I knew I loved her even then >l drew h
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