snuggly sneks
she's a little different then most vamps
What might she be pondering?
She's got a bunch of questions
ground chicken.
she's a little different then most vamps
What might she be pondering?
She's got a bunch of questions
ground chicken.
r /-/ dont 1 know if this is a good idea J nt's\ rather sunny today i
You guys sure? that is a whole V lot of sun j f Positive! ^ / designed it myself! It blocks WO percent -x of uv exposure.^; it also smells . like lemons!. / / suppose Y a little \ beach time \will be okay!
Ал/oah! how do you get this big\ without bloodîjÀ / Ш -y v\ / f HBflf \ la
hehe, Thats way of putting it I have to sag you've gotten a lot bigger since last winter; we might to put you on a diet or you'll be my little ground chicken by next winter, not that im complaining. / no ground chicken! / am simply big-boned!
Lamia,Ламия,Fantasy race,Monster Girl,Monster Musume, Mamono Musume, monmusu,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт,TheSnickitySnack
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