Carcases jace Bodysuit lingerie Made to mimic the framework of humans, this apparel brings an un / art девушка :: Centurii-chan :: пирсинг :: artist :: art (арт)

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Carcases jace
Bodysuit lingerie
Made to mimic the framework of humans, this apparel brings an uncanny allure, though one must be wary, for those who cover themselves with the symbolism of death, often attract misfortune.
+ Large bonus allure to undead.
+ Protects against detection magic +

Carcases jace Bodysuit lingerie Made to mimic the framework of humans, this apparel brings an uncanny allure, though one must be wary, for those who cover themselves with the symbolism of death, often attract misfortune. + Large bonus allure to undead. + Protects against detection magic + Lifesteal upon sex - 0.10% chance to die upon climax - eggs die upon fertilization
Centurii-chan,artist,art девушка,art,арт,пирсинг
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