Trlatine Ta Ttarrotte Combat Style Flayne is an exceptional polearm user, unnaturally talented sh / арт барышня (арт девушка, art барышня, art girl) :: BasedBinkie :: Chivalry Starved :: artist :: art (арт) :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

Chivalry Starved Комиксы BasedBinkie artist арт барышня art 

Trlatine Ta Ttarrotte
Combat Style
Flayne is an exceptional polearm user, unnaturally talented she moves with such grace that it would be easy to confuse her with someone with decades of experience, in fact she is so self aware of this talent that she forgo the use of a spear and opted to use

Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,BasedBinkie,artist,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт

T emperance
ii ii
ri ii
Virtues		Sins
Flayne has more affinity to the virtues side of the fundamentals, she	Flayne La Kar rotte	Flayne consider herself a dreamer, she often dreams of something she
holds Chastity in high

Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,BasedBinkie,artist,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт

Trlatine Ta Ttarrotte Combat Style Flayne is an exceptional polearm user, unnaturally talented she moves with such grace that it would be easy to confuse her with someone with decades of experience, in fact she is so self aware of this talent that she forgo the use of a spear and opted to use her longsword instead with much less proficiency, but still capable enough to be an average knight. irrotte Tjouse Ttarrotte A relatively new House, headed by the famous Pascal La Karrotte. Their lands are rich with fertile soil which makes them an agricultural powerhouse. Their main produce and export is a variety of carrots which serve to feed the peasants and noble alike within the Kingdom of Carthigia Abilities Though her frame is small, she is inhumanly durable, continuing to move and function even when an ordinary human would be dead. As long as she has hope and a purpose to strive for, she would push through even the most mortal of wounds. The source of her powers are mostly unknown, but few select people seem to know of her extraordinary circumstances. Ji "Equipment Flayne’s equipment is made of hardened steel, though her armor is of excellent quality, it has seen plenty of abuse to the point where people mistake her for a poverty stricken knight. Her sword is dull and chipped, but she refuse to sharpen it because she tries her best to avoid killing people.

0=3 "patience Tjumilitii Chastity I II! T emperance ii ii 'Rinctness Diligence ri ii Virtues Sins Flayne has more affinity to the virtues side of the fundamentals, she Flayne La Kar rotte Flayne consider herself a dreamer, she often dreams of something she holds Chastity in high regard because they uphold codes of chivalry and shouldn’t and she tries to find meaning in it somehow and thus she fall justice which she values highly. She also approve of Temperance Casual Devout r~l 11 upon Sloth, praying to her in hopes for succor in the endless nightmares teachings, it helps that her father was his Chosen once upon a time. and confusion she suffers. Flayne does not like Diligence because she believes highly in personal Worshipper freedom. Flayne also has a high appreciation of the arts and well crafted objects, despite her behavior and her tendency to ruin her armor and weapons. Her admiration to Alexandra also lead to a path to worshipping Patience. Flayne believes in fighting with pride and honor, and will always defend She value perseverance and endurance highly, considering her duties. the honor of herself and those close to her. Though no one really answers her prayers L..I I I □ L..I I I

Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,BasedBinkie,artist,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт
Еще на тему
Ага, батя был приверженцем Умеренности. Настолько, что дочу зачал в неведомой хтонической хне.
Думаю, что когда имеешь дело с неведомой хтонической хньой, то ты не всегда имеешь возможность не стать отцом милого ребёнка.
Ну дык! Как приверженец Умеренности, он вдувал всем женщинам понемножку, а не концентрировался на одной.
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