Подборка роботов со всего мира / video :: роботы

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Подборка роботов со всего мира

Роботы со всего мира,Tech,,подборка роботов со всего мира
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Skiv Skiv 23.01.201302:33 ответить ссылка 0.0
KDrew-circles .
XPress XPress 23.01.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
мне на пару тройку секунд стало пиздец как страшно... но через еще пару секунд - я хочу это видить в повседневной жизни...
malfus malfus 23.01.201316:17 ответить ссылка 0.0
КТО МИНУСУЕТ? Слава роботам. Мы сами скоро будем роботами
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Ameca Humanoid Robot AI Platform,Science & Technology,,First look at Ameca , most advanced humanoid robot from @Engineered Arts Designed as a platform for AI and human robot interaction (HRI) . Will be on show at #ces2022. For more information check 

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Ameca Humanoid Robot AI Platform,Science & Technology,,First look at Ameca , most advanced humanoid robot from @Engineered Arts Designed as a platform for AI and human robot interaction (HRI) . Will be on show at #ces2022. For more information check https://www.engineeredarts.co.uk/robot/ameca/
What's new, Atlas?,Science & Technology,Robotics,Humanoid Robots,Legged Locomotion,Dynamic robots,Boston Dynamics,What have you been up to lately, Atlas?

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What's new, Atlas?,Science & Technology,Robotics,Humanoid Robots,Legged Locomotion,Dynamic robots,Boston Dynamics,What have you been up to lately, Atlas?
"Кино" - Перемен,Science & Technology,, Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV Robots),Science & Technology,UGV Robots for EOD,IEDD,CBRN,dismounted soldier,first responder,unmanned ground robots,unmanned ground vehicles,urban warfare systems,modern soldier,new soldier equipment,civil security,Unmanned Ground Vehicles are currently show casted at

video geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор подборка роботы UGV Robots слава роботам песочница

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV Robots),Science & Technology,UGV Robots for EOD,IEDD,CBRN,dismounted soldier,first responder,unmanned ground robots,unmanned ground vehicles,urban warfare systems,modern soldier,new soldier equipment,civil security,Unmanned Ground Vehicles are currently show casted at
Swarmanoid, the movie,Tech,Swarmanoid,swarm,robotics,artificial,intelligence,AAAI,video,competition,Swarmanoid is a heterogeneous robot swarm in which different groups of robots have different capabilities: some robots are specialized in manipulating objects and climbing, some in moving on the

роботы слава роботам видео,video песочница

Swarmanoid, the movie,Tech,Swarmanoid,swarm,robotics,artificial,intelligence,AAAI,video,competition,Swarmanoid is a heterogeneous robot swarm in which different groups of robots have different capabilities: some robots are specialized in manipulating objects and climbing, some in moving on the