на английском, и оооочень длинная картинка, извиняюсь. / in english :: длинные картинки :: график :: солнечная система :: космос

космос солнечная система график длинные картинки in english песочница удалённое 
на английском, и оооочень длинная картинка, извиняюсь. но смысл графика в том, чтобы показать на сколько огромна солнечная система.
Termination shock
'Wind' of electrically charged particles becomes denser, hotter and slower
Voyager 2 probe
Voyager 1 probe
End of heliosphere
You've now reached the outer edges of our own solar system, \ a distance of more than 21 billion kilometres. It would take you 22 million years of
Termination shock 'Wind' of electrically charged particles becomes denser, hotter and slower Voyager 2 probe Voyager 1 probe End of heliosphere You've now reached the outer edges of our own solar system, \ a distance of more than 21 billion kilometres. It would take you 22 million years of continuous scrolling on this scale to get to the farthest regions of the observable Universe, another 435 sextillion kilometers (435 followed by 21 zeros, or 46 billion lightyears) away. We think we'll stop here. \ Live long and prosper. / Everything in space is moving constantly, and distances are variable and dynamic over wide ranges. In most cases, we have given average distances for simplicity's sake. For planets, we have given minimum distances - the closest the planets come to Earth over the course of their orbits. Other distances (termination shock, heliopause) are uncertain and estimates are given. Some distances, particularly the location of probes and other man-made spacecraft, are based on time-specific readings taken in early March 2012. Travel times are based on travelling in a straight line. Spacecraft rarely do this in practice. Object sizes are not to scale. Information is Beautiful Studio
космос,солнечная система,график,длинные картинки,in english,песочница,удалённое
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>so I decided to try this Linux thing >google "how to install linux" apparently i have to choose a "distro"
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No. 87379666 7 minutes ago linux.ong PNG 115.8 KiB 522x747 >so I decided to try this Linux thing >google "how to install linux" apparently i have to choose a "distro" >google "best linux distros" >literally 8 to 10 recommendations every single time >might as well stick to the ones that are for b
IPS МЯН KM__________________________-
Самая -горячая" планата Солнечной
Первое и единственн помимо Земли, ма ко
I планет земной группы
Температура поверхности может достигать +30 °С
Марсианские сутки на 40 минут длиннее Земных
самая холодная планета Солнечной системы

солнце планеты солнечная система интересное,интересные факты, картинки и истории длиннопост

IPS МЯН KM__________________________- Самая -горячая" планата Солнечной ♦ »мпературы Э@йзш Первое и единственн помимо Земли, ма ко I планет земной группы Температура поверхности может достигать +30 °С Марсианские сутки на 40 минут длиннее Земных самая холодная планета Солнечной системы Г