Короткометражный фильм, собравший все мыслимые и немыслимые награды на международных фестивалях. / Caldera :: психоделика :: видео (video)

видео Caldera психоделика 
Короткометражный фильм, собравший все мыслимые и немыслимые награды на международных фестивалях.
Мультфильм "Caldera" раскрывает тему весьма непростую и в то же время актуальную - измененные состояния сознания человека, когда стирается граница между сном и реальностью, и, кажется, её и не было вовсе.
Режиссер фильма Evan Viera говорит: "Caldera была создана под вдохновением от борьбы моего отца с шизофренией. Он танцевал на кольцах Сатурна, говорил с ангелами, бежал от своих демонов и жил в фантастическом мире, который невидим для большинства из нас. "Caldera" - это своего рода поклон моему отцу и всем блестящим умам, которые запутались в глубинах своей психики."

CALDERA (2012),Film,,http://www.orchidanimation.com http://facebook.com/evanvieraanimation AWARDS Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction Award of Innovation - Seattle International Film Festival Best Animated Film - Rome Independent Film Festival Best Animated Film - Rockport Film Festival Best Short - View Social Awards Nominated for "Best Picture" - Maverick Movie Awards Nominated for "Best Director" - Maverick Movie Awards SYNOPSIS Through the eyes of a young girl suffering from mental illness, CALDERA glimpses into a world of psychosis and explores a world of ambiguous reality and the nature of life and death. DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT CALDERA is inspired by my father's struggle with schizoaffective disorder. In states of delusion, my father has danced on the rings of Saturn, spoken with angels, and fled from his demons. He has lived both a fantastical and haunting life, but one that's invisible to the most of us. In our differing understanding of reality, we blindly mandate his medication, assimilate him to our marginalizing culture, and entirely misinterpret him for all he is worth. CALDERA aims to not only venerate my father, but all brilliant minds forged in the haunted depths of psychosis. HISTORY CALDERA was helmed by Evan Viera (Director/Composer/Co-Writer) and Chris Bishop (Co-writer/Animation Supervisor/Story Artist) and was produced at Hampshire College. CALDERA was the first film to go through the Bit Films Incubator Program, where founder and professor Chris Perry (co-producer/editor) invites orphaned independent films to be made on campus with the College's students and resources. MANY students and industry professionals generously donated their time to the making of this film. See below for the full credits list. In co-production with Bit Films and Flicker Dreams Productions OFFICIAL SELECTION 2012 SXSW, USA (World Premiere) 2012 Rome Independent Film Festival, Italy 2012 Stuttgart International Animation, Germany 2012 Seattle International Film Festival, USA 2012 Palm Springs International ShortFest, USA 2012 Big Sur International Short Film, USA 2012 Indianapolis International Film Festival, USA 2012 Animation Block Party, USA 2012 Prix Ars Electronica, Austria 2012 Kratkofil Plus, Banja Luka 2012 Changzhou International Animation, China 2012 View Awards, Italy 2012 Linoleum Animation & Media-art Festival, Russia 2012 Shorts Attack Touring Festival, Germany 2012 Kunjani'mation, South Africa 2012 Bumbershoot 1 Reel Film Festival, USA 2012 Wiesbaden International Animation, Germany 2012 Maverick Movie Awards, USA 2012 World Festival of Animated Film Varna, Bulgaria 2012 Calgary International Film Festival, Canada 2012 Arizona Underground Film Festival, USA 2012 SIGGRAPH ASIA, Singapore 2012 GIRAF Animation Festival, Canada 2012 Animasyros International Animation, Greece 2012 Anibar International Animation Festival, Kosovo 2012 Lowcountry Indie Shorts Fest, USA 2012 Great Lakes International Film Festival, USA 2012 Mill Valley Film Festival, USA 2012 Rockport Film Festival, USA 2012 Kaohsiung Film Festival, Taiwan 2012 Festival Les Nuits Magiques, France 2012 interfilm International Short Film Festival, Germany 2012 Kinofest International Film Festival, Romania 2012 Leeds International Film Festival, UK 2012 Reciclamadrid Film Festival, Spain 2012 Cineastic Gondolas, Austria 2013 X-Games Espn Film Showcase, USA 2013 Dam Short Film Festival, USA 2013 OFF Cinema Film Festival, Italy 2013 Citrus Cel Animation Festival, USA 2013 Hill Country Film Festival, USA FULL CREW Amir Zarrin Andrew Chan Andrew Kantos Andrew Nighswander Ann Mullin Ashley Souza Audrey Condon Barbara Bolles Ben Fiske Chris Bishop Chris Perry Christine Stuckart Cristin McKee Dan Finnegan Dan Peck Daniel Gilbert Dave Boutillier Ed Bishop Edgardo Padilla Evan Viera Ian Krebs-Smith Jake Blais Jake Mazonson Jarred de Beer Jerry Chan Jim Levasseur Josh Marvel Katie Taccone Katie Wynkoop Liz Ellis Louai Abu-Osba Marcus Wolf Michael Flaherty Nat Stein Owen Granich-Young Perry Chau Raf Anzovin Rhea Kewalramani Rob Sandell Ryan Moore Sam Plattner Samah Majadla Shane Kirby Stephen Sues Taryn Johnson Tati Soutar William Young
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My God. It’s full of win.
ITMetal ITMetal 06.05.201320:23 ответить ссылка 0.6
Это нереально круто
kaмrаd kaмrаd 21.05.201323:44 ответить ссылка 0.6
скучный пиздец
браво. это просто класс
это личное видео
akarii akarii 23.05.201421:34 ответить ссылка 0.5
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