How to: C&C Generals Zero Hour 4K HD Menu Animation Win7 x64 fix PROOF IT WORKS,Games,,What's so / Generals (C&C) :: c&c :: личное :: 1080+ :: command and conquer generals

command and conquer generals личное 1080+ c&c Generals (C&C) 

How to: C&C Generals Zero Hour 4K HD Menu Animation Win7 x64 fix PROOF IT WORKS,Games,,What's so special about that Video? MaxCameraHeight = 450 and DrawEntireTerrain? --- No, it just makes it look better in high resolutions. 3424x2140 (nearly) 4K HD resolution? --- No, not on my channel. 30 fps perfectly fluent? --- No, and 30 fps is the game engine's internal limit. The special thing is: Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour is actually playing the main menu background animation on a Win7 x64 machine. The Generals engine does not play that background animation (Aka Shell Map or on Vista/Win7 x64. Digging around I found lots of forums asking people for help, and most of the answers were tauntings, "you are stupid", trolling etc. Well, that's the internet, forums are full of that useless type of people. However around the 40th browser-tab (i.e. around 60th google hit) there were hints in the right direction: The Generals engine fails to detect your CPU/GPU speed class on 64 Bit machines, and therefore assumes "too slow for animation". The actual solution is simple: Run Generals.exe in compatibility mode "XP SP3", i.e. create a shortcut and set the option, or do the same directly on generals.exe for all users. For First Decade users: Don't use the launcher. Additional note: DON'T install in C:\Program Files, install in C:\games and set the rights for C:\game to be "open for everyone" or a different drive. Tested with: C&C first decade and unofficial Patch 1.03 rev 4. Other nice ShellMapMD's: I like: Desert Sea, Snowy Mountain, China Defense, Fortress of China. Little Manual (since most readme's miss some details): copy the file and the other files from the .zip to: the game DIRECTORY \Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\Maps\ShellMapMD\ Other notes: 3424x2140 is the highest resolution this game runs at (here), seems to be a Directx 8.1 limitation. The youtube player limits to a maximum of 2048x1536, but your can download the original resolution using the usual tools. My Ultra HD (low res for me) Videos: My Beyond Ultra HD Videos: All Videos: ---- working option.ini for Win7 x64 ---- AntiAliasing = 4 BuildingOcclusion = yes CampaignDifficulty = 0 DynamicLOD = no ExtraAnimations = yes GameSpyIPAddress = Gamma = 65 HeatEffects = yes IPAddress = IdealStaticGameLOD = Low LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 5000 MusicVolume = 43 Resolution = 800 600 Retaliation = yes SFX3DVolume = 79 SFXVolume = 71 ScrollFactor = 100 SendDelay = no ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes ShowTrees = yes StaticGameLOD = Custom TextureReduction = 0 UseAlternateMouse = no UseCloudMap = yes UseDoubleClickAttackMove = yes UseLightMap = yes UseShadowDecals = yes UseShadowVolumes = yes VoiceVolume = 70
command and conquer generals,личное,1080+,c&c,Generals (C&C)
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Все хороши. Американам отдавал предпочтение за счет доп. добыаения денег и танка который уничтожал ракеты.
У ГЛА всегда нравился СКАД шторм... и ракетные багги)
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boggy boggy 06.05.201301:17 ответить ссылка 0.1
стратегия - на века
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