Backpack charger troop bench Highspeed cable winch Upper deck officer Cockpit access tube Pi / stars wars :: схема

схема stars wars песочница 
Backpack charger troop bench
Highspeed cable winch
Upper deck officer
Cockpit access tube
Piston drive pressurizcr.
Flat plate piston drive
Knee >oiot brake
Energi/er And drive control system*.—-
Footpad yaw strut
Terrain *cnvx computer
Impulse terrain sensor
Backpack charger troop bench Highspeed cable winch Upper deck officer Cockpit access tube Piston drive pressurizcr. Flat plate piston drive Knee >oiot brake Energi/er And drive control system*.—- Footpad yaw strut Footpad Terrain *cnvx computer Impulse terrain sensor Ringed electromagnet system* enable the neck to flex Vehicle commander Holographic communicator , Up to 40 snowtroopcr* awaiting deployment ASSAULT CARRIERS AT-AT walkers can unleash their assault forccs in several rapid waves using drop-lincs with attached harnesses. Boom racks extend to drop combat troops and equipment over the side. Speeder bikes are deployed using harnesses at front ami back. Atmosphere intake Extensible deployment cable rack ^ t:nergi/cr rods v Fuel cell Deployment harness ^ Fuel pump_______ Blaster targeting ^Targeting computers rangefmder . Medium blaster cannon ,Viewport .Forward sensors Class II beasy laser cannon Speeder/ bike garage Dcplo)mcnt staging platform Heavy braces at thwe points lock AT-ATs into their landing barges Knee joônt cover ^_______ Service access cover. ■—■—. Laser power cell All-Tkrrain Abilities The thick armor plating of the Imperial walker makes it loo heavy for effective rcpulsoclift*. hence its huge legs for striding over obstacles and rugged terrain. While steep hillside* or deep swamps can thvvan the progress of the walker. AT-AT pilots can guide walkers across surprisingly rugged ground. YjTr J8Ä III1* Kc,n,oiccd ¡11 kewy v™' J , Ankle p;lch brake H \ -ii-Ai AT-AT Command Cockpit The walker's heavily armored head serves as a cockpit for the two pilots and the vehicle commander. On its exterior arc mounted the vehicle's weapons systems. While both pilots are fully qualified to perform all control functions, in normal practice one serves as driver while the other acts as gunner. Firing controls can at any time be yielded to the vehiclc commander, who uses a periscope display capable of tactical and photographic readouts. The two pilots are guided by terrain sensors under the cockpit and ground sensors built into the feet of the vehicle. Scans read the nature and shape of the terrain ahead, assuring infallible footing % Toe flap piston _ Terrain scanners Antipersonnel pursuit gun Power/heater Deployed as weapons of terror, the gigantic Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport walkers advance inexorably on the battlefield like unstoppable giants. These behemoth monsters arc shielded with heavy armor cladding, making them invulnerable to all but the heaviest turbolaser weaponry. Blaster bolts from ordinary turrets and cannons merely glance off the walker’s armor or arc harmlessly absorbed and dissipated. A powerful reactor produces the raw energy needed to move this weighty battle machine. Cannons in the movable cockpit spit death and savagery at helpless foes below, cutting a swath of destruction which the mighty footpads then crash through. Breaking enemy lines with its blaster fire and lumbering mass, the walker functions as a troop carrier, holding in its body platoons of crack assault soldiers, ground weaponry, and speeder bike antipersonnel/reconnaissance vehicles. When this cargo of terror is released into the chaos and destruction a walker has created, another Imperial victory is nearly complete. Speeder Bikes AT-AT walkm usually carry a set of high-velocity rcpulsorlift speeder bikes for scouting or survivor-hunting missions. The speed and agility of these bikes complement the plodding might of the walkers, making the combined assault capability thorough and ovenvhclming. The colossal size and nightmarish animal resemblance of the AT-AT combine with its combat strengths to give it tremendous psychological power. Until the Battle of Hoth. no army had ever fought resolutely against an onslaught of walkers, so frightening and devastating »s their prcjepo^.
схема,stars wars,песочница
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Комментарии 2 07.May.201316:11 ссылка -3.0
Годно, Пили ЕЩЕ !!!
Epine Epine 07.May.201317:50 ответить ссылка 0.0
Ещё, ещё десять раз запости это и своим одноклассникам скажи, чтобы тоже запостили! С подключением, мудила!
cмepeкa cмepeкa 08.May.201310:27 ответить ссылка -0.1
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