Der Führer's Face Donald Duck,Film,,Follow me: Der Fuehrer's Face is both i / Дональд Дак (Donald Duck) :: Disney :: зига :: Гитлер :: video

video Дональд Дак Гитлер зига песочница Disney 

Der Führer's Face Donald Duck,Film,,Follow me: Der Fuehrer's Face is both interesting in its historical context and hilarious in its imaginative content. Winning the Academy Award for "Best Short Subject (Cartoons)," this little animated gem is arguably one of the most entertaining piece of propaganda ever produced. Released on January 1, 1943, the United States was only in its first year of World War II and needed all the morale it could get - and Walt Disney Pictures delivered that with this short film. With the Spike Jones and His City Slickers version of Oliver Wallace's song "Der Fuehrer's Face" playing over the film, the audience is introduced to "Nutzi Land" via a marching band made up of Hitler's stooges: Goebbels, Hirohito, Goering, Mussolini, etc. The picture slowly pans to this little shack of a house where Donald Duck is sleeping soundly until he's woken by a loud alarm clock, Aryan cuckoo clock, and a rude poke of a bayonet. From there we see him suffering the poor living conditions of Nazi Germany as portrayed by the film (eating poorly, getting Mein Kampf shoved in his face, and having to yell out a "Heil Hitler!" at the sight of a picture of der Fuehrer) and over-working himself in an ammunition factory.
video,Дональд Дак,Donald Duck,Гитлер,зига,песочница,Disney
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Это Карл Барке Он создатель... Родился в 1901 и умер в 2000. в возрасте 99 лет! Это не все.. Знали ли вы, что фильм "Начало" был создан по его истории? В комиксе, разум Скруджа был похищен братьями Гавс. Парни пытались научиться быть ворами-разумов и проникнув в разум Скруджа украсть секретную
Donald Duck der Nazi,Comedy,Walt,Hitler,Donald,Duck,1943,Ente,Adolf,Nazi,Disney,Heil,Adolf Hitler (Politician),World,Mickey,Disneyland,Animation,Walt Disney (Film Producer),Ww2,Studios,Germany,Ein Original Walt Disney aus dem Jahre 1943

YouTube animationsfilm donald duck Donald Duck der Nazi Ein Original Walt Disney aus dem Jahre 1943 песочница Die Schön Akkordeon

Donald Duck der Nazi,Comedy,Walt,Hitler,Donald,Duck,1943,Ente,Adolf,Nazi,Disney,Heil,Adolf Hitler (Politician),World,Mickey,Disneyland,Animation,Walt Disney (Film Producer),Ww2,Studios,Germany,Ein Original Walt Disney aus dem Jahre 1943
Donald duck heil Hitler,Comedy,,Donald Duck is a Nazi