Зашёл в местное отделение почты, мимо такого просто нельзя пройти. Это рабочий стол одного из компов общего пользования.
AQrotricm has been detected a windows his bun shut domto prtvtnt dtmgt ¥***our computer. fM§l mm™ d^ERJiMCn^SSjdRjBQUA^i | Jl 0 I tit**CflVflra TattrMMm/a tots Hem* if this % the first time you've seen this stop error screen, 1 ratirtflRjr center-th1||screen appe^p again, follow [g] §s)&. MmfifiHfll zawmvtortm ... nvwia Karos M trttn 1 S cfrsr.k tuuke *urp anyjaew hardware or software 1s properly Installed. ^ JPkhAs w a nfianst»Ration, ask your hardware or software manufacture *-»#*» r(iiTy'qrtMa*S|"apd*Wa»lyuu might need. “ t^probA^s continue, ®sab1<ir remove any newly Installed harctare M-tnfiM»««. Disable u&fi mennr|ihnpTl nnt such as caching or shadowing, if you need to use safe Mode to rmove or disable components, restart ^■r comjKer, ^tss ^o s^gct Advanced startup options, and then cf»fc>e#JK.~ ST TMhnAc*^1nfa^yf.1on:^ ^ «»««■»* iwn«miK)oewm" hh—qihiw»kixooooooo?,oxoooooooo. oxfmbsass) So JfL- njjy- bate at NM1000, oatestamp IddMleb «MAnnAnq dump of phytieal iwmory JSTvkxm *3i?»rtnrator or technical «upport group for further
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