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FRIDTJOF] NANSEN LANO CLLCSMC GEN BAFFIN SOUHO LAP Tl Vf*" s ел *o*r roxt ARCTIC 01 AR ¿40% se а or о мн ors /BEfí/NG SEA <CMU* *«4 1 ? QM 110/ .о UTAH МЛОС'вАч ISL**01 GULF TROPiC OF • will* © 14 • >Ö hkmBi • ЗДШШ4к1!% * A 4« LtAi CARIBBEAN VENEZUELA IS LANDS • <b f.
FRIDTJOF] NANSEN LANO CLLCSMC GEN BAFFIN SOUHO LAP Tl Vf*" s ел *o*r roxt ARCTIC 01 AR ¿40% se а or о мн ors /BEfí/NG SEA <CMU* *«4 1 ? QM 110/ .о UTAH МЛОС'вАч ISL**01 GULF TROPiC OF • will* © 14 • >Ö hkmBi • ЗДШШ4к1!% * A 4« LtAi CARIBBEAN VENEZUELA IS LANDS • <b f. Q>;ATC1 ISLANDS *cv»oc*t • %u IATAL A MO A COPAL •ARC»▼.'PC L ACO of Ihr Democracies of I .»tin* America. llic HritMi Commonwealth of Sociali.t Republic*. iiwumro world leuiliohip for ihr e«taMi.liment of a Now World Moral Ordor «tnanrnl |ir*ff. freedom. juMicr. ««ruritv anil world reconstruction. I . S. A. AND PROTECTORATES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS !;. S. S. R. A A PEACRSECURITY BASES ccf 17010 1ЧЫи»*< !.. ЧЛ1ККЕ CONKCKG. I’Htl.AUKI.l’HIA. P.A. IWJ AI r«(Vta r«wni4 >0 МИ w iKU Mf • foTW «MbosC » *nU«f if»- V Шгм1 f. а ш*% Ш, rw* P».«1r4 te 1мы М»1м «I ■ • i*. II .'•HKiHC I». %c*m*wA» i% • tlCTO»«* •» Cfc* .»AU '.te 1% . *ТУЙ JA» i-даа 1* (W ftfv« Ali* «ЫгЬ *# ■•♦Il I« lui« «core. *» fe«4 fnr*»r4 U a WorM («иМ *?*» fosr минЫ »>«bu f -TW nm4 U Ггм4м •! и«) к"“* Ю *orshlo (*4 is Ы* •»* — vsreyvbrr» I« tkf «nrU ~TW iNIrd lo fm«« ÍM «Mt. «bWb !пмМ *»U «orM term* IMS* tnr‘T*‘ И^(Ы»П «kick SlM «r<Urf U Г.ГГ7 salten A b~Mbv«. Ufe fee K. isJttbilael* — e* er« «berr la tbe «orM. -TW roseta u freo*« fr*- fr*f. *bkh ui* -orw teems, мм * •orltf-’fr r*dsrttes of lo *sc* • t«*st a*4 la ose* a tboeosfh fosliUs ihal a* salte* ««Wlaa fadites lo <*su»M *s •«* oí ictmM A<áL**t *** «HrkWr — **>*Ьгте la Ib* «oeU. I________________________________________________ • ». . 4 -Tlul U *o yUU of a 4-U.l -JWnm*. Il te a MMi ba*U for a kisd oí «orM attainable I* oar c«s time geseratki*. Tkal klsd .___ ... oí oorld U tbe my aaiilMo *i Ibc **e* order* o# lyraaay “IW fe* te fr«*— «*«*«--...»jrwfc*, t» »*♦ eMth lk. „кииг. ^ tnau .„к ite <r«k ..r . b.. V -Ta Iba« **rv лг4гг* »♦ >»■« the rrroter roseeptloe — the Moral Order . • . . . . -ТЪо »orW erdet «kleb «• wr4 to iKr f^^r.tto* of frro coaa Irlao. «oHtlac loffolbrr la a frW*#r. rbArod «odoly ... .. . ”Fm4w a^a*. (bo »»rtait? oí WamA* ric^U. orrr^Wrr ... ... -To tbat l«b r«*r#t< Ihorr raa W ao «*4 «are »ictary." Iaтая hméMl КаяпЛ'» а^мп *® Ib* ?Tlb Cmmgrmm o* ikr State o# tH# l*k* l0»| I» • Оиг Policy shall be this: 1. Wf. the I*. S. A- la coopmtkm with oor alhrn. for miaon» of our natlocul Mtfrty and in the interest« of Inttriuitktfial moraht>. are determined to rruali and rampktelr destroy the military power of the Alla »«fe**or*.and their satHhte* rerardlew of co«t. effort and line necemar? (o aceomplt«h IhU ta*ic. 2. The old vorld order o4 colooial ofipregion, exploitation of do «in kin«, rival impermlUm«« and mercenary balance of power diplomacy; of mantle*, dictator», privile*ed Minorities, plutocratic nonop*.li»t« and similar aocial paraaite*; the cormpted order re^ponaible for the present sorfd cataclysm, endanxerinx our national nafety and peaceful protrtm. »hall nexer r*ne a rain. 3. A Wow World Moral Ordor for permanent peace and freedom «hall he established *t I he successful con-c I anion of I he present «ar. 4. •'or r^s*ons *f history, economic structure, favorable geo* Apr- ar I tl f welfare of mankind, the t\ S. A. ^u< . all that *all. • aume the leadership of the newly s. Ui M-w vor atic world order. 5. To reduce the burden and criminal waste of armamenta expenditures everywhere In the world, the U.S. A« with the cooperation of I .a tin-America, the British Commonwealth of Nations, and the U.S.S.R. ahall undertake to guarantee peace to the nations which will be permanently disarmed and demilitarixed after the conclusion of ihe present war. 6. In order to be able. In fulfillment of our obligations. U. effectively present the po^Ubility of a reeurrence of another world cataclysm, the Intlncibiltty of the U. S. A. a* a military, naval and air power, shall be the major prerequisite. T. For realistic considerations of Htrategy and our inval-nerability, it is imperative that the U.S. A. shall obtain relinquUhment of control* of their powocwOons from all foreign Powers in the entire Western Hemisphere. It« surrounding waters and strategic island out pools as outlined on accompanying map. H. For considerations of hemispheric defense and In the spirit and tradition of Ihe new Monroe Doctrine of hemispheric solidarity and the "f^ood Neighbor'* policy, the U.8.A* with the consent of the Utin<American Republic*, shall obtain control and protectorate rights of the relinquished territories. 9. To strengthen our position In the Caribbean area which U of obvious importance to hemispheric defence, all possible inducements shall be offered to our neighbors of Central America and the Wen* Indies to facilitate their entrance as equal state* of the t'.S. A. as outlined on map. 10. To fortify the politico-economic unity of the Wewtern Hemisphere, the U.S. A. shall promote and awost the unification of South America Into a well organized, democratic, federated -United States of South America." 11. The liberated British. French and Netherlands (¿uiana* shall be reorganired as one state of the U.S.S. A. 12. All Powers shall relinquish their controls of their colonial, mandate and strategic island po**«*isions everywhere In the world. 13. The British Commonwealth of Nations, Ihe second military and naval Poser of importance cooperating in a binding compact with the U.S. A. as a Power for freedom. shall retain and acquire control of such territories. peace-security b**es and strategic island outposts essential for the maintenance of world peace and freedom of the seas aa outlined on map. ♦ U.S.S. R.. the third military Power of importance 'rating with the U.S. A. as a Power for freedom r _ the maintenance of world peace, shall acquire control of the liberated, disorganized adjacent areas and those of Germany Austria to be re educated and eventually incorporated as equal republics of the l*.S.S.R~ as approximately outlined on map. 15. A World league of Nationalities with arbitration and supervision powers shall be organized. IS. A World Court with punitive powers of absolute boycott. quarantine, blockade and occupation by international police, against las breakers of international morality shall be organized. 17. Hie U.S. A. aith Ihe close cooperation of the United States of South America, the British Commonwealth of Nations, the U.S.S.R. and the World Uague of Nationalities, shall promote and a«*i*t in the unittcation of the relinquished territories and the area* at present unsoundly divided into well organized, democratic and absolutely demilitarized federated republics as approximately outlined on map. IK. The areas known as Netherlands. Belgium. Luxemburg. Switzerland. France. Spain. Portugal, the island ily a Sardinia and Sicily shall e unified ая a demilitarized, federated "United States if Kurvpe." 19. The areas known a* Swden. Norway. Denmark and the Spitsbergen Islands sail be unified as a demilita-zed. federated "United lates of Scandinavia." shall be unified a* a demilitarized of (ireece." ‘Federated Republic 2У £T: VlB^pul 26. continent of Africa shll be reorganized and onified demilitarized, fedrated "Union of African cpoMkH."* 21. The areas known a* Sadi Arabia. Syria. I^banon. Iraq. Ifejas. Yemen. Adei and Oman, shall be unified as a demilitarized unin of -Arabian Federated Republics.** 22. The areas known as Irfia. including Afghanistan. Baluchistan. Nepal. Bhuta and Burm» ».hall be unified as a demilitarized "Fedeited Republics of India." 2.1. The areas known as Clna. Inner Mongolia. Tibet, Thailand. Malaya. Indo-Clna and Korea, shall be unified as a demilitarized, (derated -United Republics of China-“ 24. The areas known as Cireee, Macedonia. Albania. Crete. Dodecanese and adjacent islands in the Aegean sea The areas known as К ire and Northern Ireland shall be unified as a demilitarized independent republic of "Eire.M The area of the Holy land of the ancient Hebrews, at present known as Palestine and Trans-Jordan, and the adjacent requisite regions as outlined on map. for considerations of hUtory and the imperative necessity to alleviate a post-war refugee problem, shall be unified as a demilitarized independent republic of •Hebrew bnd- 27. The area known as European Turkey, adjacent to Ihe Dardanelles, sea of Marmora and Bosporus, for considerations o( realistic peace strategy shall be placed under joint control of the U&&R. and Turkey. 2K. The area known as Turkey shall be a demilitarized independent republic of Turkey." 29. All problems of exchange, transfer and repatriation of populations shall be administered by the World league of Nationalities. 30. The criminal perpetrators and their partners in guilt of this hidcou* war shall be brought to justice and un-forgetable punishment administered. 31. All subjects of Japan and all persons of Japanese origin of doubtful loyally shall be permanently expelled from the entire Western Hemisphere. U.S. A. protectorates and strategic ksJand outpost« And their property confiscated for post-sar reconstruction needs. 32. All subjects of Germany and Italy and all persons of German and Italian origin known as active supporters of nazi and fascist Ideologies shall be treated similarly. 33. («erntan. Italian and Japanese immigration to the West« em Hemisphere, its protectorates And island outposts shall be indefinitely stopped. 31. All persons of (¡erman origin In East Pru*tia and the Rhineland shall be transferred to Inrer (Germany and the regions permanently de-Prussianized. 33. All person« of Orman. Italian and Japanese origin shall be permanently expelled from their now conquered territories and Iheir property confiscated for post-war reconstruction needs. 3$. To cleanse the populations of Ihe defeated AiU aggressor* of the intoxication of military chauvinism; to effectuate the removal and destruction of their po- tential military establishment*; to recover the accumulated loot and to re-educate them for their eventual membership in the Family of Nation*, the areas of (¿ermany-Austria. Italy and Japan shall be hermetically and Indefinitely quarantined and administered by appointed (¿overnor* subject to supervision by the World league of Nationalities. 37. All resources, industrial and bbor capacity of the quarantined areas shall be employed for the pcMt-war restoration and reconstruction needs. 38. To reduce the numerical power of the aggressor nations. a* a potential military advantage, a Population Control Policy shall be elaborated and applied in the quarantined areas. 39. In the New ttorld Moral Order which we seek to establish. besides the essential political freedom*, the following fundamental economic changes are imperative: (a) Nationalization of all natural resources and equitable distribution of snme to all nations—everywhere in the world; (b) Nationalization of international banking, foreign investments, railroads and power plants—everywhere in the world; »AvCSk«** IS {gCAMPnttl to Tao (e) Nationalization of all armaments producing e*t Hshments by all remaining military power*; (d) Federal control of foreign commerce and shlppt <e> The establishment of a world common monet. system. (f) World-wide limitations of interest rates to a mi mum of Iwo percent. 40. To retain the victory and leader*hip of our uni democratic effort—«he aim of which is not tcngca or exploitation, but freedom and security to all nati for peaceful progress—Ihe unified “Supreme War Ct mand of the United Nations ’ at the conclusion of present war. shall be reorganized and transformed fi a permanent ' Supreme Military and Economic Conn collaborating with the World League of Nation ties In paat-war reconstruction and to enforce w« peace. II. The “Supreme Military and Economic Council** si appoint Ihe (¿ovemors to administer the quaranti areas until their eventual parole For this pnrposofwl >•% navi \f we i ust ghl a absolute victory M ui m cov»« kg
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