Ловите небольшую подборочку красивого видео. / Sci-Fi :: красивые картинки :: CGI :: сделал сам (нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам) :: 3D :: спиздил сам :: video :: art (арт) :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

песочница geek video спиздил сам Sci-Fi красивые картинки 3D сделал сам CGI удалённое ...art 
Ловите небольшую подборочку красивого видео. Что то по поиску было, чего то не было.

Project Kara
На GDC12 компания Quantic Dream, основной деятельностью которой является предоставление услуг motion capture другим студиям, продемонстрировала технические возможности новой технологии и оборудования. Оно позволяет одновременно записывать движения всего тела и голос актера, что выводит происходящее в играх на новый уровень, помогая передать малейшие движения и интонации актеров, а также сократить производственное время.

Демонстрационное видео получило название «Kara». Стоит отдельно отметить, что видео не является заранее пререндеренным, а обрабатывается в реальном времени на консоли PlayStation 3. Также это просто концепт и не является какой-либо игрой от Quantic Dream. Несмотря на это заявление, шанс появления игры на основе данного сюжета вполне вероятен, ведь Heavy Rain тоже начинался с технической демонстрации под названием «The Casting».

Также было сказано, что показанная демонстрация создана на версии 1.0 новой технологии, а ей уже целый год. На данный момент Quantic Dream доработали свою новую технологию до версии 3.0.
Больше инфы здесь - https://vk.com/page-2013209_43729833



Человечество погибло в ходе войны, и роботы продолжают выполнять их последние указания. Искусственный интеллект помогавший воюющим сторонам в ходе конфликта, по мере выбывания живой силы замещал ее своими функциями. Теперь, когда все живое вокруг мертво, машины действуют точно по старым инструкциям. Продолжают вести войну доступными им средствами. Поскольку людей больше нет, эстафету жизни перехватило хоть что-то живое, а именно трава. Оболочка гранаты кластерной бомбы стала для нее крепостью

The Archiver / Арчивер

CGI Short Film HD: "RISING" by Mikros Siggraph Computer Animation Festival 2012.

Polynoid - Mindplotter

"Mindplotter", создан как символ того, как считают аниматоры, чем является сущностью творческого процесса. Главной предпосылкой для проекта была способность характера жить в двух мирах.
Будучи способным переключиться между двумя стадиями, вдохновением и созданием, "Mindplotter" является и механическим и органическим, твердым и мягким, зверским в его акте построения мыслей и смягченный в его вдохновенном настроении.

Polynoid - Loom

Polynoid - Mem

Polynoid 458nm

2006 / Германия
Жанр: компьютерная анимация
Режиссер: Ян Битцер (Jan Bitzer), Илья Брунк (Ilija Brunck), Том Вебер (Tom Weber)

Первая совместная работа коллектива "Polynoid". Вдохновленные документальным фильмом "Микромир", в своей короткометражке аниматоры рассказывают историю о сущностях жизни...
Безупречно выполненный фотосюрреализм. Биомеханические улитки разыгрывают самый старый ритуал природы, созданные из самых футуристических деталей. Сценарий передан с тонкостью масштаба макрофотографии.

A Futuristic Short Film HD: "RUNAWAY" by ArtFX OFFICIEL

Official Website - http://www.artfx.fr/
Official Blog - http://blog.artfx.fr/
Official Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ArtFx/...
Official YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/artfx34
"RUNAWAY" Facebook page - facebook.com/pages/Runaway-Le-film/19216­9904276530

CGI Animated Teaser HD: "Natalis" by - Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn

Round 6 - Short 3D Animated Film | HD

2013 Animated Action 3D Short Film "The Chase" recommended by Vuxicon

The Gift - Short SCI-FI Film - Recommended by Maki

CGI Futuristic Sci-Fi Short Film HD: "R'ha" by - Kaleb Lechowski

BEYOND, sci fi short film

Archetype by Aaron Sims

Vacuity - Sci-Fi Short Film Drama

CGI Futuristic Sci-Fi Short "ABE" from - Rob McLellan

CGI VFX Blender Short HD: "Tears of Steel" Written and Directed by Ian Hubert]

CGI Animated Short Film HD: "Contre Temps" by the Contre Temps Team

A Futuristic Short Film HD: "Memorize" Written & Directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson

ROSA (HD) Epic AWARD Winning Matrix style Fantasy Action Animated Film by Jesus Orellana,Film,,ROSA is an epic sci-fi short film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where all natural life has disappeared. From the destruction awakes Rosa, a cyborg deployed from the Kernel project, mankind's last attempt to restore the earth's ecosystem. Rosa will soon learn that she is not the only entity that has awakened and must fight for her survival. The short-film was created entirely by young comic-artist Jesús Orellana with no budget during a single year. Since it's world premiere at the Seattle International Film Festival, ROSA has been an official selection at film festivals around the world such as Screamfest, Toronto After Dark, Anima Mundi or Los Angeles Shorts Film Festival. In October ROSA was screened at the opening night of the Sitges International Film Festival, considered the world's best festival specialized in genre films. Following the succesful festival run, the short film has attracted the attention of the major talent-agencies and Hollywood producers. Currently ROSA is in development to be a live-action motion picture. =============================================== Browse our Digital Books at http://www.Sketchozine.com, please remember to LIKE and SHARE our pages. AND YOU TOO can be featured in our books or on our websites, simply create an account on http://www.sketchoholic.com and click BE PUBLISHED from the homepage. We'll see you on the site, please remember to share, like and comment our videos. We do this for free to promote all artists of the world. http://www.sketchozine.com http://.com/sketchoholic http://facebook.com/Sketchoholic http://www.sketchoholic.com htttp://Youtube.com/MadArtistPublishing
Крепость,Film,,Финальный вариант мультика. Спасибо всем кто поддерживал на стадии создания! На моем сайте есть некоторые стадии создания мульта. http://mr-absinth.com/ Моя почта dmitrii.fedotov@gmail.com
The Archiver / Арчивер,Film,,Фильм Томаса Обреш, Гийома Бертумие и Марка Меннеглье . Пилот, путешествующий через пространство, возвращается из миссии...
CGI Short Film HD: "RISING" by Mikros Siggraph Computer Animation Festival 2012.,Film,,Short film directed by Michael Moercant and Jean-Yves Parent at Mikros Image. - Film selected at the Siggraph Computer Animation Festival 2012. - Credits: Agency: JBM - Benjamin Julien Monie & Design and Director: Mohammad Harib Producer: Hugo Allart / DoMove. Directors: Michael Moercant & Jean-Yves Parent - DoF / FX Project Manager / Post-Producer: Lionel Juglair 3D Supervisor: Stephen Thibert Modeling: Francois Desvignes Rimasson & Jerome Animatic: Bartholomew Fine Setup: Alexandre Sauthier Lighting: Julien Haillot Shave / texture: Nicolas Bruchet, Benjamin Lenfant Animation: Alexandre Sauthier, Vincent Lemaire, Geoffroy Barbet Massin, Anne Chatelain Stereoscopy: Erwan Davigano Nuke Compositing: William Parra, Jerome Foucout, Bartholomew Fine Calibration: Christine Szymkowiak Subtitles: Maud Drouin Final compositing: Michael Moercant & Jean-Yves Parent DCP Manufacturing: David & Francois Mangin Duboux Supported by: Amelia Anne Chuche for project tracking Mathias Barday for lighting the animatic Mickaël Camus for post production
Polynoid - Mindplotter,Film,,
Loom - HD (Polynoid),Music,,Loom tells the story of a successful catch. Year: 2010 Length: 5'20" Directors: Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck, Csaba Letay Technical director: Fabian Pross Production company: Filmakademie BW Producer: Regina Welker Sound: Joel Corelitz / waveplant Artists:Felix Mertikat, Jin-Ho Jeon, Roman Kälin, Tom Weber, Christian Hertwig, Silke Finger, Jacob Frey, Leszek Plichta, Georg Schneider, Anja Wacker, Andreas 'Felix' Gebhardt, Falko Paeper, Sarah Eim 5.1 Mix: David Axelbaum / Airstream Audio I do not own this video. This video was created by 'Polynoid' and it belongs to it.
POLYNOID, MEM,Film,,A film by POLYNOID http://polynoid.org/ All sound & music by Emma Knight www.emmaknightmusic.com www.soundcloud.com/emmaknightmusic www.vimeo.com/emmaknightmusic
Polynoid 458nm 720p,Film,,Очень качественная, красивая компьютерная анимация
A Futuristic Short Film HD: "RUNAWAY" by ArtFX OFFICIEL,Film,,Check out this amazing Futuristic Short Film by ArtFX OFFICIEL called "RUNAWAY" Ernest runs a gas station lost in the middle of a desert. Suddenly His nap is interrupted by the arrival of a massive customer. For more information about this film, please see the links below: Official Website - http://www.artfx.fr/ Official Blog - http://blog.artfx.fr/ Official Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ArtFx/214601611910025 Official YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/artfx34 "RUNAWAY" Facebook page - facebook.com/pages/Runaway-Le-film/192169904276530 Credits Réalisateurs / Directors : Romain CHAULIAC -- Ludovic FREGÉ -- Yoann GOURAUD -- Quentin MEDDA Image / Image : Romain CHAULIAC -- Ludovic FREGÉ -- Yoann GOURAUD -- Quentin MEDDA Autres étudiants / other students : Rémy BAY - Pauline COSTANTINI -- Aton LERIN - Alexandre MARLIER -- Vaimiti GUESDON Musique / Songs : Aurélien MARINI Montage sonore / Sound editor : Frédéric LE LOUET -- Frédéric DEVANLAY ArtFx: Is a top school for learning special effects and 3D animation. www.artfx.fr
CGI Animated Teaser HD: "Natalis" by - Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn,Film,,Natalis tells the story of the robot Ea, who is threatened by visions and fear of a devastating future. To avoid this, she has to decide about the life or death of the newborn baby creature, Enki. Credits: Directed by Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn Surfacing/Render Pipeline TD Karsten Wagenknecht Rigging TD/Animation Pipeline Tom Ferstl Effects TD David Kirchner Produced by Philipp Wolf Original Idea by Felix Mertikat Compositing Johannes Peter Music Johannes Helberger Sounddesign Felipe Sanchez Soundmix Andreas Mühlschlegel Cast Evi Rejeki Tom Ferstl Animation Linus Stetter Tatiana Pushkarova Letty Felgendreher Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn Kyra Buschor Facial Motion Capture System Supervisor Thibaut Weise Motion Capture System Supervisor Jochen Bomm Motion Capture System Assistant Tilman Waegner Modeling/Texturing Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn Kyra Buschor Concept Design Felix Mertikat Daniel Brkovic Bin-Han To Editing Daniel Brkovic Jan-Marcel Kühn Editing Consultant Matthias Scharfi Mattepainting Carmen Büchner Additional Shading Markus Kranzler Daniel Brkovic Additional Effects Thomas Hartmann Additional Compositing Roland Petrizza David Kirchner Additional Rigging Christoph Westphal Additional Asset Creation Christian Hertwig Produced as part of the Subject Area Animation at the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction. Copyright Filmakademie, 2012
Round 6 - Short 3D Animated Film | HD,Film,Snowball,Studios,Production,Round6,Awesome,new,Exclusive,HD,short,3D,animated,Film,high,quality,video,game,cinematic,styled,trailer,Fragball,Story,Snap,Gamer,Microsoft,Sony,Videogames,Games,XboxViewTV,View,TV,Movie,yt:qualiy=high,Round 6 is a short 3D animated film created by Snowball Studios. Our goal was to make a high quality video game cinematic styled trailer. In order to do this, we invented a video game called Fragball on which we based the action. The film shows an excerpt from the personal story of Snap, a Fragball gamer, as he plays out his last round - round 6.   PRE-ORDER NOW at Amazon: N/A Round 6 - Short 3D Animated Film | HD Developer: Snowball Studios Release Date: N/A Genre: Sonstiges Platform: N/A Publisher: N/A Website: http://www.round6.net Development Blog: http://round6construction.blogspot.com/ About Snowball Studios: http://www.snowballvfx.com FOLLOW XboxViewTV on Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/XboxViewTV
2013 Animated Action 3D Short Film "The Chase" recommended by Vuxicon,Film,,A simple hitman job. Things don't go as expected. Uploaded 2013 Vuxicon Медиа Империя The Chase is an Animated Action Short Film by Clawer Films. Directed by Tomas Vergara Characters by Mauricio Galvez Music and SFX by Jay Taylor
The Gift - Short SCI-FI Film - Recommended by Maki,Entertainment,,More at www.facebook.com/Vuxicon More at gplus.to/Vuxicon More at www.Twitter.com/Vuxicon More at www.flickr.com/photos/vuxicon More at soundcloud.com/vuxicon Directed by Carl E. Rinsch, 'The Gift' Belongs to the "pararell Lines" Phillips Cinema campaning. Placed in Russia, The Gift is a Sci-Fi short with a savage Chase sequence on it. We made more than 20 full CGI shots for the short. Check out the animated pictures to see how it has been done. We also made the vechicles and some characters desings. We enjoyed creating such an unusual atmosphere and sense. Not the regular Sci-fi film we are used to see...
CGI Futuristic Sci-Fi Short Film HD: "R'ha" by - Kaleb Lechowski,Film,,You have got to see this fantastic short film created by the talented Kaleb Lechowski that takes place in a futuristic world where a member of the R'Ha race is held accountable for defending his planets against an oncoming threat and it utilizes quite an interesting little twist there at the end! Kaleb Lechowski, creator and director of the short R'Ha, is seeing almost immediate fruits for his labor, as a trio of established filmmakers will help him turn that short into a full feature. Rick McCallum, the former head of Lucasfilm and producer of the recent Star Wars trilogy, is boarding the feature as producer, making it his first sci-fi project since leaving the George Lucas fold. For more information please visit: www.facebook.com/rha.movie Written - directed - animated by Kaleb Lechowski (C) Kaleb Lechowski kaleblechowski.tumblr.com Hartmut Zeller - Sound hartmutzeller.de Dave Masterson - Voice acting imdb.com/name/nm2717717/ Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment - Representation scottglassgold@iamsports-ent.com
BEYOND, sci fi short film,Film,,Arya is the last remaining member of her family, a lineage with a unique genetic code that grants the ability to survive the folding of temporal and spatial boundaries... In short, she can teleport. Tasked with exploring new planets, she is in search of something that will explain who exactly she is and where she comes from. Director: Raphael Rogers Producers: Raphael Rogers, Bianca Malinowski Talent: Bianca Malinowski, Andrew Varenhorst, Raphael Rogers Contact: shortfilmbeyond@gmail.com More Info: For those interested, I shot this with a Canon c100. Lenses used were the Canon 24mm IS prime, the Canon 50mm 1.4, the 100mm Macro IS 2.8 and the Tokina 11-16mm. By far, most of it was shot on the 24 and the 100. The final shot was done with my trusty 5DII as it was a pickup. There was no crew on this shoot. Just myself and Bianca. The shoot took 3 days and post production took significantly longer. All the visuals were done in after effects. I used Element3D a good amount. Thank you to everyone who helped me out during all the time spent editing. You know who you are. Raphael's IMDB: imdb.com/name/nm4776738/ Bianca's IMDB: imdb.com/name/nm2841629/ Andrew's IMDB: imdb.com/name/nm2967554/
Archetype by Aaron Sims,Entertainment,,RL7 is an eight-foot tall combat robot that goes on the run after malfunctioning with vivid memories of once being human. As its creators and the military close in, RL7 battles its way to uncovering the shocking truth behind its mysterious visions and past. Directed by Aaron Sims starring Robert Joy (Land of the Dead, CSI:NY) and David Anders (Heros, 24). FINAL UPDATE!!!!! Thanks you so much to everyone who supported us!!! Because of your devotion we got Hollywood to notice us! We'll soon be going into full production with Fox studios and we couldn't have it without each and every one of you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! -Aaron Sims -http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/john-davis-archetype-chronicle-296069 -http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118050894 Update 1: Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! This has been a labor of love on a budget of $0 with personal expense on my part and no funding. It makes it all worth while when we see other poeple responding to it. Thank you! - Aaron Sims Update 2: I want to thank all of you for the support and positive feedback I've received about my short film "Archetype". This project was a labor of love, and so many talented, hard-working people helped in making it come to life. "Archetype" would not have been possible without all the talented individuals who contributed their time and skill, and I thank them - each and every one. Please tell everyone you know to watch the short; the more people and positive responses we receive (and even likes on the YouTube page that we get) make a difference. With your help, we can hopefully get the feature version made - so Tweet, Facebook...get the word out! Thanks again, and check out some of the online articles that have already gone live: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/debbiedowner/news/?a=53184 http://twitchfilm.com/news/2012/01/watch-aaron-sims-sci-fi-short-archetype.php http://io9.com/5878139/this-no+budget-science-fiction-short-looks-better-that-most-movies Update 3: I want to thank everyone again for all the amazing support. It means so much to me to see so many of you that truly enjoyed Archetype. Your continuing positive response will truly help in realizing a feature version of Archetype!!! Aaron Sims
Vacuity - Sci-Fi Short Film Drama,Film,,Trapped in a dying space station airlock, Alan must choose survival to see his family again or sacrifice to save his crew. What others are saying ⬇ "[Vacuity is] worth the very meager amount of time it asks of you...It's pretty killer that a sparse 13-minute film with an '$80' set can tell 10 times the story of the Transformers movies." - cracked.com "Without a Hollywood budget to go on, the film is enough to keep the interest levels high and Matzur clearly has the film making minerals to deliver such a simple and effective story." - reelgood.co.uk "A simple dilemma...given a breathtaking sci-fi makeover--impressive considering the whole short takes place in one small airlock. A-" - themoviemaestro.com "A great snapshot of what it means to be human." - josephbustillos.com *( WINNER - CELTX SEEDS - 2012 )* - http://youtu.be/uAUM-Nn00AE Official Site: http://vacuitymovie.com (Produced for my undergraduate capstone project at the School of Film and Photography, Montana State University - Bozeman.)
CGI Futuristic Sci-Fi Short "ABE" from - Rob McLellan,Film,,Check out this AWESOME Sci-Fi Thriller, From Rob McLellan and his extremely talented team! For more information and questions about this short film, please visit the links below: Website - abemovie.com Facebook - facebook.com/abemovie Twitter - https://twitter.com/Rob_Mc1e11an Interview with the director 30/04/13 youtube.com/watch?v=RM5uUnRmJQI Credits: Writer/Director - Rob McLellan Manager - Adam Marshall / Caliber Media 310-786-9210 Agent - Chris Ridenhour / APA 310-888-4209 Facebook - facebook.com/abemovie Website - abemovie.com Interview with the director 30/04/13 youtube.com/watch?v=RM5uUnRmJQI Copyright Zero-G Productions Produced by Rob McLellan .... producer Liz Ridings .... co-producer Mark Shuterland .... co-producer Original Music by Vanessa James Cinematography by Kate Reid Film Editing by Rob McLellan Production Design by Kiera Tudway Set Decoration by Sven Hornsey Mark Sutherland Costume Design by Faye Fillingham Makeup Department Fay Booth .... assistant makeup artist Karen Fundell .... makeup designer Rebecca Johnson .... assistant makeup artist Visual Effects by Rob McLellan .... visual effects Craig Stiff .... visual effects supervisor Craig Stiff .... visual effects Camera and Electrical Department Kyle Mann .... gaffer Nick Menniss .... second assistant camera Sonia R. Serrano .... first assistant camera Ricardo Williams .... electrician
CGI VFX Blender Short HD: "Tears of Steel" Written and Directed by Ian Hubert,Film,,"Tears of Steel" is a short film made in Amsterdam the Netherlands by the Blender Institute, well known for realizing the open source short animation movies "Big Buck Bunny" (2008) and "Sintel" (2010). As usual these films get financing by crowd-funding in online communities of 3D artists and animators. http://mango.blender.org/ For "Tears of Steel" the funding target was to explore a complete open source pipeline for producing a high quality visual effect film, with as theme "Science Fiction in Amsterdam". Producer Ton Roosendaal invited young Seattle talent Ian Hubert to come working in Amsterdam for 7 months to write and direct the film -- assisted in Blender Institute's studio by an international team of 3d and vfx artists, and with a Dutch film crew and Dutch actors. The film's premise is about a group of warriors and scientists, who gathered at the "Oude Kerk" in Amsterdam to stage a crucial event from the past, in a desperate attempt to rescue the world from destructive robots. The film itself -- as well as original footage and all the studio files -- will be released as free and open content; the Creative Commons Attribution license. CC) Blender Foundation - http://www.tearsofsteel.org Duration: 12 minutes. Available also in HD and DCP 2.35:1, Dolby 5.1. Age: Suitable for 12 years and older. Language: English spoken Production: Blender Institute Producer: Ton Roosendaal Director & Writer: Ian Hubert Director of Photography: Joris Kerbosch Composer: Joram Letwory Starring: Derek de Lint, Sergio Hasselbaink, Rogier Schippers, Vanja Rukavina, Denise Rebergen, Jody Bhe, Chris Haley Crew: Andreas Goralczyk, David Revoy, Francesco Siddi, Jeremy Davidson, Kjartan Tysdal, Nicolo Zubbini, Rob Tuytel, Roman Volodin, Sebastian Koenig, Brecht van Lommel, Campbell Barton, Sergey Sharybin. Project funding: Blender Foundation, Netherlands Film Fund, Cinegrid Amsterdam http://www.youtube.com/user/BlenderFoundation?feature=watch Premium Sponsor: Google Main Sponsors: NVIDIA, Hewlett-Packard Workstations, Camalot AV Services, BlenderGuru.
CGI Animated Short Film HD: "Contre Temps" by the Contre Temps Team,Film,,Here is a beautifully animated and rendered CGI short film about a long-submerged city, and a man is obsessed by the passing of time, by the talented team Jérémi Boutelet, Thibaud Clergue, Gaël Megherbi, Tristan Ménard, Camille Perrin and Lucas Veber at Supinfocom Arles! Music by Nathan Blais & Sylvain Livenais More infos at contretemps-lefilm.com Directed by: Jérémi Boutelet: jeremi-boutelet.com Thibaud Clergue: thy-works.blogspot.fr Tristan Ménard: tristanmenard.com Camille Perrin: camilleperrin.fr Gaël Megherbi: gael.m.over-blog.com Lucas Veber: lucky3d.fr Music by Nathan Blais & Sylvain Livenais: spectral-approche.com nathanblais.com sylvainlivenais.com Made the official selection at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and at the Siggraph 2013
A Futuristic Short Film HD: "Memorize" Written & Directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson,Film,,******WARNING*****This video contains or implies explicit violence. It may not be appropriate for all viewers.***** An amazing futuristic short film written & directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson! In 2027, everyone is implanted with a chip - the Memorize-chip. It records everything you see, a new system to fight crime. One unit controls the system. The SSU - Special Surveillance Unit. Music End Credits: "Marseille" by Alexandre Azaria (The Transporter III) [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] Buy this track on iTunes now: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/le-transporteur-3-transporter/id298690023 Written & Directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson Want to see the TEASER TRAILER before this? vimeo.com/54362904 Director's note: We shot this piece in Sweden (Gävle, Strängnäs and Uppsala) on a "shoestring budget", using just one 5D-Mark II-camera (with Canon L-series lenses). Our very first mission was actually to help another company (Quixel) with some live-action shots/scenes to simply showcase their new texture-tool for 3d-models in games and movies, but instead we came up with this concept idea and created a full blown short film. Primarily, we wanted to do something visual and entertaining to simply present this concept and showcase Quixel's tools. We did almost everything our self (with some 3d/texture/sfx help) and we used close friends/family members to be "actors", including myself playing the main character. So I guess that's why the acting isn't top notch and why we didn't use so much dialogue ;) BUT we also wanted to keep it very visual, we wanted to tell a story with pictures (and UI-text of course). That was a big challenge but I think we succeeded. In the end we're happy with the end result considering the conditions and people really seems to like it! That's awesome to see and very rewarding! / Jimmy & Eric" For more information, please contact: Manager: Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment scottglassgold@iamsports-ent.com Production blog: jimmyanderic.blogspot.com Eric Ramberg: eric.ramberg@gmail.com Jimmy Eriksson: jimeri83@gmail.com
песочница,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,video,спиздил сам,Sci-Fi,art,арт,красивые картинки,3D,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,CGI,удалённое
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by Nightgrawler Kara - Heavy Rain's Dev Trailer,Games,,This is the new tech developer Quantic Dream is working with -- but it's not Quantic Dream's new game. Never the less, this near flawless cinematic will turn many heads, so stay tuned as we will have more to come!

See all of IGN's coverage at GDC here:

песочница geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор video разное сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам спиздил сам CGI Sci-Fi art,арт красивые картинки 3D анимация

Kara - Heavy Rain's Dev Trailer,Games,,This is the new tech developer Quantic Dream is working with -- but it's not Quantic Dream's new game. Never the less, this near flawless cinematic will turn many heads, so stay tuned as we will have more to come! See all of IGN's coverage at GDC here:
ROSA (HD) Epic AWARD Winning Matrix style Fantasy Action Animated Film by Jesus Orellana,Film,,ROSA is an epic sci-fi short film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where all natural life has disappeared. From the destruction awakes Rosa, a cyborg deployed from the Kernel project,

geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор video песочница спиздил сам CGI Sci-Fi art,арт красивые картинки удалённое

ROSA (HD) Epic AWARD Winning Matrix style Fantasy Action Animated Film by Jesus Orellana,Film,,ROSA is an epic sci-fi short film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where all natural life has disappeared. From the destruction awakes Rosa, a cyborg deployed from the Kernel project,