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lustful void


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Steam Игры Steam халява Humble Bundle раздача ключей 

Раздача ключей 2/3

Есть 9 игр. Ключ Стим.

Как принять участие:
используйте мои комменты чтобы создать лесенку комментов для раздачи определенной игры.

1) Оставляешь коммент с желанной игрой (максимум 3 из всех игор).
2) Твой коммент становится числом. Рандомайзер выбирает число.
3) Получаешь ключъ в личку\Благодаришь господа за ХумбльБумбль.

Раздачу начнём когда наберется несколько комментов на 1 игру (иногда я забываю, что я что-то раздаю, поэтому может набрать 10 человек, а может не будет интереса и тогда быстро раздам что-то одному из 3х).
Постараюсь раздать как раз первого апреля)

Popup Dungeon
Drawful 2
Post Void
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
The Amazing American Circus
Yoku's Island Express
Nex Machina

Steam халява Steam Игры Humble Bundle раздача ключей 

Победители прошлой раздачи http://joyreactor.cc/post/5146749

Рандом прополвил! А я повинуюсь его зову: ищите себя в победителях, и если вы тут есть, то постучитесь в личку.
Popup Dungeon. - kirywa
Pathway. - Евгений Гращенко
Drawful 2. - RudeBoy1997
Post Void. - Patronus
Lust from Beyond: M Edition. - Tensor
The Amazing American Circus. - deus-wow
Yoku's Island Express. - Whale Alex
Nex Machina. - Vrusha
Soulblight. - reiter
Также переразыграл dv rings of Saturn - Artemon 29

Stellaris fun Stellaris Игры DamnDirtyCat без перевода 

Stellaris fun,Stellaris,Игры,DamnDirtyCat,без перевода

Stellaris Игры Stellaris скриншоты 

Презренные нейтралы
Что заставляет расу стать нейтральной? Жажда наживы? Власти? Или же они просто рождены с сердцами, полными нейтралитета?
$ 3589+265 *0» 1258+317 é?00+l4 Q 542+1	^ 11K+510	+572 •$» +553 0 +558 ^9/14 'f 4/7	,‘ 378/676
Eshiftq Markaj ‘ii
Edellimar ^?Hur\fflth
• Rolanev
Nlcanda$a^¿nj V

Stellaris Игры Игровое видео под катом еще 

Анонсировано DLC Galactic Paragons для Stellaris

Дата выхода: 9 мая

Галактический совет огромен и разнообразен! Вместе с Galactic Paragons в вашей империи появятся новые сильные лидеры, которые вслед за вами пойдут к звездам. Полностью новые механики Совета и лидеров, способные изменить направление вашей империи, новые гражданские модели и не только — дополнение Galactic Paragons поможет вам создать новое будущее!



Назначайте лидеров на важные должности и стройте планы, которые считаете нужными. В Совете вакантны десятки уникальных ролей, которые зависят от моделей и типов правительства. По мере развития империи появятся дополнительные должности!


Нанимайте лидеров, развивайте их и ведите империю к успеху! Помогайте им развиваться, выбирая черты и классы, и следите за их судьбой, пока они не уйдут в отставку или не погибнут!


Привлекайте на свою сторону настоящие бриллианты: вашей империи нужны уникальные лидеры вместе со своими событиями и сюжетами. И это не считая четырех легендарных героев с уникальными механиками и интригами!


-Новое происхождение «Под единой властью», рассказывающее историю лидера, основавшего империю.

-8 новых гражданских моделей, сосредоточенных на лидерстве — от цифрового бессмертия усопших до оптимизированных выборов в Совет.

-12 новых классов ветеранов.

-Сотни черт лидеров.

-2 новых древа традиций с новыми эдиктами и улучшениями лидеров.

-Новые корабли, сюжеты и арт.

What need do we have for a pirate? Why do you wish to join us?
Why should we trust you?
Tell us about your crew.
Lysator Syng
Renowned Paragon	^0)
»■ - — ■■■■ ■■
Facial recognition scans identify the individual as Lysator Syng, a wanted pirate. Smiling siyiy, he offers a polite
United Nations of Earth
Skrand Sharpbeak**
IT Protector of Liberty
<NV> Open Arms

Launched Agendas
You have no active Edicts
Open Edicts
Active Edicts
Council Agendas
— Mvuiiuuie Mgeriuus»
JL All
(*) Admirals
00 Generals
0*0 Governors 00 Scientists
Natsuki Sasaki Tribune of Rights
fe) g #
«	Wü 4^
a •'
Daniel Renard Admiral
Enrique Esguerra Scientist
Lysator Syng Renowned Admiral

- Recruitable Leaders
Natacha Larionova Admiral

Uneasy Welcome
• • M
Soon after boarding the vessel, we encountered a group of uniformed aliens. Startled by our sudden appearance, many were quick to draw weapons. Thankfully, a flrefight was avoided.
Calling for calm, the alien commander explained that the ship is in need of emergency
Procyon II
Astrocreator Azaryn
Legendary Paragon
Hello again! You have proven your potential. In time I hope to teach you to utilize my astrocreation powers.
Azaryn bows
Together, we will reinvigorate the galaxy. As long as you strive to create new life, my skills and my ship are at your
Stellaris,Игры,Игровое видео,под катом еще


Отличный комментарий!

Mr_Error Mr_Error25.04.202319:06ссылка

Игры The Last of Us The last of us 2 Pathologic Doge Lore без перевода 

I give the player choiseTo make difficult decision,
Is it worth it to rob a house to survive hunger?
Is it worth it to kill a man if you are going to save one later?
Is it worth it to never do a bad thing even if it means your death?
Is it best to lie to get two guns, or say the truth and only

Отличный комментарий!

Буржуи сравнивают ААА проект и древнее российское инди и выставляют его лучше своего аппонента? Неплохо
SAMOWAR SAMOWAR 21.06.202010:54 ссылка

GigaChad Мемы Heroes of Might and Magic III Heroes of Might and Magic Игры 

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 "666 эропортретов героев для мода МоР"® 666 эропортретов героев для мода МоР Скачивании: 9 666_eroportretov_dlya_moda_MoR гаг Размер: 323.46 Мб скачать без регистрации О скачать без ожидания,GigaChad,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,Heroes of Might and Magic


aki-yehuo Windranger Dota фэндомы Faceless Void Dota Art 

aki-yehuo,Windranger,Windranger, Windrunner, Lyralei, Lyralei the Windrunner, Alleria, ,Dota,Dota 2, Дота, Дота 2, Defence of the Ancients,фэндомы,Faceless Void,Faceless Void,Dota Art

#Лит-клуб написал сам английский 

Впервые попробовал что-то написать, скромно прошу оценить

My words

I'm staring into endless void
Of starlight and of hope devoid,
But when I try to break away,
The skies look like this pit, the same.

Upon its gates the trial's held,
And I'm behind defendant's stand.
I prosecute, I judge, object,
But I will not myself defend.

"Not guilty" verdict was my bane,
Like groundhog's day returned again,
And now, not to overextend,
I'll put this fallacy to end.

I'm tired of seeing myself again
Each passing day grows my disdain
But now I'm ready to repent
And discontinue my descent.

Hypocrisy, and lies, and more...
All, that I usually abhor,
Has rooted deeply in my soul,
And undermined my better goal.

I'm not religious, but believe
In greater cause, for which to live
But what I've done and what I thought
Betrayed this dream that I have sought.

The ancient sins of human kin
Have left their marks upon my skin
And I am tainted by mistakes.
No turning back, there's no retake.

It's easier to count those falls,
Of which became I thoughtless thrall,
Than seek rare virtue, being made
By these obese and spoiled hands.

When did it start? When have I let
Become myself a sorry pet
Of Gluttony? Each bite and swig
Have made me closer to a pig
Than human; how could one not
Contempt and execrate such bloat?

And when I've tried to find a way
To purify myself, to stray
From path, which obviously leads
To only furthering the needs
I've yet again been weak, like moth
Before the flame, - I longed for Sloth.

"Tomorrow", - was my best excuse.
Why was I trying to refuse
From doing anything required
If even was not really tired?
Sloth doesn't let me go away
From childhood to this very day.

The time have passed, and then just once
I've won the prize, and in long pounce
Not me, but Pride has took the place
Upon the pedestal's embrace
And even now, then I require
Sentence, it reads back, admires
And wants all others do the same,
And me to thirst for praise and fame.

Another one, who lurks inside,
Is Greed, and comes like raging tide
The urge to have, to bear, to wield...
It's nearly hopeless not to yield.
And when this wave has briefly passed,
You always know - it won't be last.

And next one is, of course, the Lust.
I'd kept it still inside, but must
Confess, that every passing day
It's growing harder to obey
The mind, and not the primal needs.
I've all my life preferred to heed
And now I know, that would be best
To not put others to the test.
Who could have wanted being loved
By man like me? So here I stand
Away from others: to protect
Them from me, and to recollect.
These memories are dust for them;
They worth much more than any gem
For me; a subtle touch,
a look, a whisper is like glass,
Like stone, unflinching; so bypass
It could only sight. So, that is left for me, is dream,
And I suppress this wordless scream
Each time I see another eyes,
And dancing beauty, which there lies.
Because it's like a whip, a blaze,
It's better to avert my gaze
And yet again return to bog,
Where I, quite overtly, belong.
But it won't help - in sleepless cold
These damning eyes, and words untold
Return again, like sparking stars,
Reminding of my prison's bars.

It doesn't help that I'm not blind
And all the hands, which intertwine
Remind me every once and then
That better not to leave my den.
But I cannot, for I'm addict
To some I know; so I restrict
Myself; yet Envy's foiled deck
Is full of trumps, so now my neck
Is in its hands; its hard to breathe,
But I don't have a place to leave.

The only sin I haven't yet
Discovered, is Wrath: his hunting net
I somehow managed to avoid.
And this, once more, makes me annoyed:
If only I have had this flame,
Then, maybe, I could harness, tame
Its power; but, alas, it's false
And I still can't approach my goals.

This trial goes forever on,
And every word hits like a stone,
But I cannot - and won't - object.
I've only verdict to expect.
Each witness testifies and leaves,
then prosecution takes up leads...
How do I want to leave this booth!
But I cannot run from the truth.
Well, prosecution has this one.
And I don't want to spoil the fun
For him... or better said, for us?
I like it too, this big demise,
I both have fear and feeling joy.
In hands of judgement I'm a toy,
But even if my end is nigh,
For me it's honor to comply.

At last, the sentence is now set
I close my eyes, and last regrets
Let go my mind, so weak and frail.
Impatience grows, my Holy Grail
Lays peacefully aside the judge.
The time has come to end this grudge.

I know for sure, what's in the blank,
But these last moments are like ankh -
Symbolic hope, marvelous sign...
But here, in this forgotten shrine
I am alone. So bring it in.
Let's put an end to all my sins.
And be it venom, noose or blade
I'll gladly face my end of fate.


Dota 2 Art Dota фэндомы Faceless Void ST3DOOM artist 

и r j V Ш W Ш i F 1,Dota 2 Art,Dota,Dota 2, Дота, Дота 2, Defence of the Ancients,фэндомы,Faceless Void,Faceless Void,ST3DOOM,artist
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