How to distress leather: new jacket to vintage (extreme technique),Howto,,Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nuclear.snail DA: http://nuclearsnailstudios.deviantart.com Homepage: http://www.nuclear-snail.com Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NuclearSnailStudios More awesome post-apo stuff from affiliates @ FALLOUT 6 BAZAAR: https://www.facebook.com/FALLOUT6BAZAAR The better parts of the Footage by Amin Oussar: http://www.oussar.de/ Background Music by my buddies Synatic: http://synatic-music.de/ Acoustic song: "Memories" by Synatic´s guitarrero Tobias Rauscher, watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXlDpB8b9Pk In this video I show a hard distressing technique for leather, which allows you to turn a new black leather jacket into a vintage one. ---------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Bei allen in meinen Videos und Fotos vorkommenden Ausrüstungsgegenständen (einschl. denjenigen die nach Waffen aussehen), handelt es sich um harmlose und mit dem deutschen Waffengesetz konforme Requisiten für Film- und Theateraufführungen, oder anderweitig legale Gegenstände. All of the items in my videos and photos (including the ones looking like weapons) are harmless props, and legal according to german weapon regulations. I either own the rights to the music played in my videos, or have the agreement of the respective right owners for the usage of their tracks.
апокалиптическая куртка,экстримальная технология,видео,video,nuclear-snail
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