I don't know how long I've , been here, J Nor do I know where I'm headed. Monsters are waiting to / Wilson (Don't Starve) :: Maxwell (Don't Starve) :: Don't Starve :: длиннопост :: willson :: comic :: Игры

Don't Starve Игры comic willson Maxwell (Don't Starve) длиннопост песочница Wilson (Don't Starve) 

I don't know how long I've , been here, J
Nor do I know where I'm headed.
Monsters are waiting to tear
^ apart^. j
dr £ What am ll L m doing here? ■
I know there are answers to my questions-
but I'm not the one holding them
know you are out there watching me.
You won't ignore me like you

Don’t Starve Comic - Page 2
Still trying?
I don't fight for your entertainment anymore
fight for something you can NEVER take away.
V' n ■< .. ■'
Vj$i yfy,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't

Don’t Starve Comic - Page 3
Ignore me now.,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't Starve)

Don't Starve Comic - Page 4
' /s
k. \	1	1	i
Well well look who survived,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't Starve)

Don't Starve Comic - Page 5
What's happening?
Am I dead or dreaming? Humans can't fly but this pain is beyond anything. How do I stop it and where am I going? Did I really jump off that cliff? Perhaps I'm just unconscious and about to wake

Hmm. I'd usually throw a greedy comment in your face but I already did that. Besides, those injuries of yours are healing outstandingly fast making my statement invalid... Pity.
That voice... Where have I heard it before?
Oh. pardon me1 I forgot to introduce myself properly last time we met. My

Don’t Starve Comic - Page 7
If this is real... Then you must be the one turning my days into torment. Why did you save me?
Some people say that everything in life is there to fight against you. to control you
That the only true freedom -
- is death

Don't Starve Comic - Page 8
If my questions are your intentions then I am nothing but a puppet, a source of entertainment
You sent those hounds after me didn't you
Now with all this uncovered what are you going to do about it hmm?
What can

Don't Starve Comic - Pag
You look terrified.
Don't worry. I'm a man of my word.
I said you'd die here just like everyone else, did I not?
Forget what I said about months of torment
This is worse
nt to scream parts of my ngs must've lowed in the process...

Don't Starve Comic - Page 10
If you truly believe one's life is nothing but entertainment then you would be surprised -
because I'm starting to believe the same.
Pretty pretty blood teheheh
Letting me suffer for months in this despised world
Granting me wings

Don't Starve Comic - Page 11
- you're not going to stick that flint into me again? Wasn't much of a pleasant experience...
You see pain reminds us of how fragile we really are but dealing pain awakens them.
I can feel the cold creeping closer My third winter is

Straight forward attitude Mr.Higgsbury... Showing n mercy towards an old wasted man like me? We you do quite have an advantage, everything
What you're saying is true, although these demons you refer to are known as them Whoever holds the
That's where I've been watching you and everyone else for

Don't Starve Comic - Page 13
The Game is Afoot, where the fight starts.
Archipelago, bleeding from vour wounds.
King of winter, freezing down to your bones.
Two Worlds burn it to ashes..
They never reached the throne
Where suicide

't Starve Comi
What value do my creations have if mankim is unaware of them?
If I don't make it out this world it will fall into oblivion. What hasn't been seen by the eye of a man is nonexistent That's how foolish humans are. Do you understand where I'm getting at Mr.Higgsbury?
Kill me? Go

Don't Starve Comic - Page 15
Dniy you can answer that jestion. Put yourself in my ilace Mr.Higgsbury, would you sit there in endless pain and agony?
I made my choice.
Not quite, things were here before me but I've sealed the remains underground. I'd rather not

me such a horrible person I propose we uncover this world in a more efficient way benefitting us both
Steal? I'm just keeping it safe from you. If I asked for that map you would never give it anyway
We are both looking for a way out of here. A machine with its parts spread across this island.

Don't Starve Comic - Page 17
I think-
I think I got this1,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't Starve)

Don't Starve Comic - Page 18
Absolutely ridiculous or simply amazing. This brings a glimmer of hope to me.
Have to admit everything looks quite outstanding from this point of view.
Those mountains s remind me of my home.
Hold on a second.

Don't Starve Comic - Page 19
Why good afternoon! Enjoyed the flight? Catching up with you proved quite the challenge.
Look Mr.Higgsbury, every «inter Deerclops arrives to guard this part of the island. That's why you never had to fight it because you were stuck

Don't Starve Comic - Page 20,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't Starve)

Please don't kill me! Have
I never did anything!
It's not listening!
I can't hold out much longer Think Wilson. Think Wilson. THINK!
How can
be so blind.
I got you right where I want you.,Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't

Teheheheh Pretty pretty blood
Perhaps I should sit there next tc you and grieve over my past anc future? Look, I've dealt with them for a long time and anger is not the key. Weren't you the one accusing me for having serious problems last night? This is insanity, deal with it.
Now calm yourself

I don't know how long I've , been here, J Nor do I know where I'm headed. Monsters are waiting to tear ^ apart^. j dr £ What am ll L m doing here? ■ I know there are answers to my questions- but I'm not the one holding them know you are out there watching me. You won't ignore me like you always do, I'll make sure of that. need answers and I will have them.
Don’t Starve Comic - Page 2 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com / HOUNDS Still trying? I don't fight for your entertainment anymore fight for something you can NEVER take away. V V V' n ■< .. ■' Vj$i yfy
Don’t Starve Comic - Page 3 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com Ignore me now.
Don't Starve Comic - Page 4 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com ' /s /*'■ № •vV Ni -foW £ V / / ë k. \ 1 1 i Well well look who survived
Don't Starve Comic - Page 5 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com What's happening? Am I dead or dreaming? Humans can't fly but this pain is beyond anything. How do I stop it and where am I going? Did I really jump off that cliff? Perhaps I'm just unconscious and about to wake FOCUS WILSON It's real1 No time for philosophizing! But my head, it hurts so much... My body is torn apart... I can't control this. There... FOCUS FOCUS You got this, use 1 your wings. They're j there for a reason I and you made it this far Pain can be healed with science, ignore it for now. Just don't - \
Hmm. I'd usually throw a greedy comment in your face but I already did that. Besides, those injuries of yours are healing outstandingly fast making my statement invalid... Pity. That voice... Where have I heard it before? Oh. pardon me1 I forgot to introduce myself properly last time we met. My name is Maxwell, and you must be Wilson Percival Higgsbury I presume? This "selfish coward" you spoke of knows more than you could ever imagine. And you may as well talk because I can hear you thinking. You begged for this so pull yourself together. You'll have the answers you're looking for I can ensure you that. How did he know1? Get up Wilson, you're insane1 Run before it's too late1
Don’t Starve Comic - Page 7 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com If this is real... Then you must be the one turning my days into torment. Why did you save me? Some people say that everything in life is there to fight against you. to control you mam That the only true freedom - r - is death itself. But I've made an exception1 V I You will die by my ways. FIGHTING BLEEDING FREEZING BURNING STARVING Suicide is unacceptable. Your freedom is nothing but mine. I decide whether you leave or not. / r \ V: BP rr nr ! Why are monsters seeking to kill me? Why is the air getting cold and frosty? Why is there no food to gather? What am I doing here in the first place? * * Wilson, all of these questions are nothing but mere intentions of mine... 'J
Don't Starve Comic - Page 8 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com If my questions are your intentions then I am nothing but a puppet, a source of entertainment You sent those hounds after me didn't you N » Now with all this uncovered what are you going to do about it hmm? CL/ip CLAP & What can I do? You're probably digging around in my head right now aren't you? y My dear I don't read what's stored in your mind. I hear present thoughts. Picking up information that flow through my world is the key to control. I have to admit I had no clue about your pathetic little suicide attempt until it really happened. That explains why you keep accusing me for suicide... Oh is there somehing I've missed my dear? i I thought I was alone but I figured there was something controlling this world. How else could every day end up worse than the other? There is no purpose in life when loneliness and torment follow you until death. I had nothing to lose so why not give it a shot, you showed up in the end... Is that so? Then I'm afraid your efforts have been of no use, don't expect me to help you out of this misery. You'll die here just like everyone else Worn out. forgotten, ignored \ f I didn't come all the way here to die. If this is all your fault then I've got a reason to end it! don't think so. Now if you don't mind but I'd like to take back what belongs to me. • ->-vi
Don't Starve Comic - Pag www.theonlyhorse.deviantart You look terrified. Don't worry. I'm a man of my word. I said you'd die here just like everyone else, did I not? Forget what I said about months of torment This is worse nt to scream parts of my ngs must've lowed in the process... What human being find entertainment in this? Did I say human being? ore like animal that deserves to be slaughtered. point when hatred stronger than pain.
Don't Starve Comic - Page 10 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com If you truly believe one's life is nothing but entertainment then you would be surprised - because I'm starting to believe the same. Pretty pretty blood teheheh Letting me suffer for months in this despised world Granting me wings but only to rip them off Keeping me alive so I could hear your dreadful words Only to tell me we go back to before. I'm tired, hungry, cold and scared of the monsters. You call them mere intentions I What am I doing? f This is not me... Am I a murderer? No this can't be -Dear heavens what's happening Wilson, calm yourself and figure this out you're the scientist after all Maxwell told me I had something that belonged to him and he tried to take it back, but I stopped him I don't understand I've seen what this man is capable of, why didn't he fight back if both of us possesses similar behaviour, wouldn't that make us equal? Yes it would I wonder who you are. Time will tell.
Don't Starve Comic - Page 11 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.corr - you're not going to stick that flint into me again? Wasn't much of a pleasant experience... You see pain reminds us of how fragile we really are but dealing pain awakens them. I can feel the cold creeping closer My third winter is around the corner... Huh? That better be a good sign. I'm trying to grasp everything that's happened. I should be shocked and bleeding to death but none of these affect me. My wounds keep healing and these wings stick to me. I wonder if I can hear thoughts as well. . Advantages of my new self I suppose, just like Maxwell. I'm sure Maxwell is the mind behind all this, unfortunately controlled by something greater than himself. Demons capable of affecting the human mind or maybe they punish their victim for disobeying orders. I don't know. Either way I am now part of this, just look at my gruesome actions... These demons did something horrible with me and I wouldn't stop until I saw my blooded hands, it struk fear and disgust in my mind. Same goes for Maxwell I believe, he stopped when I attacked him. Considering my ability to process past events I declare myself sane, at least for the moment. I bet these demons are hiding and eagerly waiting fora chance to strike and become whole again. They are split up between me and Maxwell. He never got a chance to take them back because of me. I guess there's a chance we can supress them now that they're weakened. Better stay sane and resist the urge to hurt. I don't want these demons to take control again. Yet I still fail to understand why they saved me after so many months of torment. They literally sacrificed a piece of themselves so I could have these abilities. Why remove them and then tell me I die like everyone else? It makes no sense... Maxwell uttering words of mercy? I'm speechless... I must've benumbed him all the way down to his feet, a situation to my advantage!
Straight forward attitude Mr.Higgsbury... Showing n mercy towards an old wasted man like me? We you do quite have an advantage, everything What you're saying is true, although these demons you refer to are known as them Whoever holds the That's where I've been watching you and everyone else for decades. There wasn't much when I showed up here you see, just dust, the void and them of course,.. I created this wonderful wilderness but only a few times have I gotten the chance to set my own feet on the soil Such a shame don't you think? ise? I tried to keep essage away from , Played along by jruesome ways to old detection. SMUG FACED WHAT CHOICE DID I HAVE' the freedom of speech in decades! How was I supposei to tell any of m puppets when having demon: breathing dowi They punish me to such degree - - dare calling your suffering a pleasant vacation I know we are equal in terms of abilities and this gruesome behaviour. As much as it offends me as a scientist this could only be the work of demons. Throne? Why should I trust you? You are unusually straight forward compared to your previous nonsense! Message? What message? Wait you... All this bloodshed. Why would you - You had the option to never commit these crimes? IT'S ALL FOR YOUR OWN GAIN ISN'T IT'?
Don't Starve Comic - Page 13 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com The Game is Afoot, where the fight starts. Archipelago, bleeding from vour wounds. King of winter, freezing down to your bones. Two Worlds burn it to ashes.. Darkness slowly starving. They never reached the throne Where suicide is unacceptable hey decide 'hether you ?ave or not. Your free dor is nothing but theirs I never meant to kill you Wilson, the adventure grants you the option to try again. Hence you would die by my ways... If you had reached the throne. I would've been set free and all knowledge you could have ever imagined would be yours. Exactly! You wouldn't1 That's why I'd secretly force you through the Adventure, make you believe there was something to accomplish. There's no way out once you reach the throne! After your wings were gone I prepared to take back the rest of them from your body and return to my throne. They thought this morbid little show was a nice change. Oh they just love watching anything suffer1 There you have it. the answers you've been looking for. To why I have tormented and ignored you for such a long time. Happy now!? You may have been able to survive but you couldn't find that damn door you insolent idiot1 And when I tried to sneak past this message you beat me down! After this confession they've heard everything. If I end up on that throne again they will make sure to punish me on a whole new level. All my puppets have failed and I can no longer bring more of them in this state. You should be on the throne Wilson, you know that. A creative mind taking my world to new heights. We can't let mankind's greatest achievement disappear right? Are you saying Forget about that! I would never agree to heir your burden!
't Starve Comi What value do my creations have if mankim is unaware of them? If I don't make it out this world it will fall into oblivion. What hasn't been seen by the eye of a man is nonexistent That's how foolish humans are. Do you understand where I'm getting at Mr.Higgsbury? Kill me? Go ahead if you dare! My demons will infuse your body if I cease to exist. Nor would I kill you as that would put me back on the throne. Interesting dilemma we have here. Able to kill at the expense our freedom? If I were you Wilson I'd take advantage of the knowledge I have yet to uncover! No decisions regarding the throne have been made so what could you possibly lose? You don't look too good yourself Mr.Higgsbury. Does that make I have my reasons but this is not the time. Let us get back on topic shall we? I have a deal I give you knowledge and the times It takes to grasp. Enllghtment mankind never witnessed! A handshake will not harm you in any way Mr.Higgsbury, It is merely a sign of putting our differences inable to hand overthem Until our little dispute has been settled I am in fact your puppet. Feeling pride for what you've created, afraid it may never be seen. How shameless, you really do this for your own gain don't you? I'm starting to regret I didn't - That look of yours is saying something else! At least I'm more human than demon! You have issues Maxwell, serious issues One second you're dead serious, the next you're smirking. You don't even try to keep them away from yourself! And what's the catch? The Throne huh? I know he's trying to escape by offering everything he knows. Diplomacy as a last resort. Does he really believe I would inherit the throne of ny own free will? How naive. He's right... What could I possibly lose by gaining more knowledge? No decisions But I have to admit, as much as I hate him there is a certain curiosity. throne have been made.
Don't Starve Comic - Page 15 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com Dniy you can answer that jestion. Put yourself in my ilace Mr.Higgsbury, would you sit there in endless pain and agony? I made my choice. Not quite, things were here before me but I've sealed the remains underground. I'd rather not bring up another "discussion" considering your little trip last night Oh so I'm the heartless bastard? Well I better repay you then. A new day rises. Casting light upon horrible deeds And here I am Resting right next to a serial killer. Funny how I became the cause for him to stop. If Maxwell kills me he'll end up on that throne again. I can't kill him either, that would put me on the throne None of the wormholes have led me here before. That door Maxwell spoke of. maybe it's located in the area? He also spoke of escaping. Wonder i how that's done. 11 can't leave with I these demons k inside me... What? I didn't even talk. Sorry if I kept you awake but I need to figure this out. Well in fact you should be the one apologizing considering what's been going on here. Okay fine I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, they drove me completely insane. I'm a demon just like you. Are you implying that gave you the right to murder? A choice for nothing Your suffering has a reason while mine does not. You started all this' What I've done is nothing compared to you. Take your accusations somewhere else!
me such a horrible person I propose we uncover this world in a more efficient way benefitting us both Steal? I'm just keeping it safe from you. If I asked for that map you would never give it anyway We are both looking for a way out of here. A machine with its parts spread across this island. Five "things" to be precise Assemble them and one of us has a ticket home. i You have no ■ reason to | steal my work! What sense does that make!? We can't leave with these demons sticking around! But for now we need a goal of some sort, neither you or I intend to live here forever. Looking for these "things" is one's key to freedom..
Don't Starve Comic - Page 17 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com I think- I think I got this1
Don't Starve Comic - Page 18 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com Absolutely ridiculous or simply amazing. This brings a glimmer of hope to me. Have to admit everything looks quite outstanding from this point of view. Those mountains s remind me of my home. Hold on a second. IS THAT THING LOOKING AT ME'? Yes! Yes it must be! These huge wings of mine will certainly not go unnoticed. I should warn Maxwell. Or should I? He took my map and brought me here. Should've stayed on the ground... Yet I can't leave him to die. that will put me on the throne. I better hurry up before that monster gets any closer.
Don't Starve Comic - Page 19 www.theonlyhorse.deviantart.com Why good afternoon! Enjoyed the flight? Catching up with you proved quite the challenge. Look Mr.Higgsbury, every «inter Deerclops arrives to guard this part of the island. That's why you never had to fight it because you were stuck on the other side. My current state as halfling severly limits these abilities. Wings, fir shadow hands, healing téléportation. All magic beyond human capabilit drain their strength. Have to admit I didn't realise until now. I am concluding as I speak. Me? Can't you see I've done you a great favour! You finally made use of those wings! I only considered them a temporarily solution to slow down your pathetic suicide jump. Maxwell! Why are you running around here for!? ft There's a gigantic deer down that valley! So you dragged me all the way up in the sky because of that!? How about you drop that plan and tell me what's going on! Only to increase my chances of finding that "Door of Adventure"! Completely irrelevant! I came here to warn you! If that deer doesn't kill us the cold will! DO SOMETHING GOOD WORK ON MAKING YOURSELF USELESS! DROP IT MAXWELL! WE HAVE TO LEAVE!
Don't Starve Comic - Page 20
MAXWELL1 Please don't kill me! Have mercy! I never did anything! CAN’T WE JUST TALK ABOUT IT'? It's not listening! I can't hold out much longer Think Wilson. Think Wilson. THINK! How can be so blind. I got you right where I want you.
Teheheheh Pretty pretty blood Perhaps I should sit there next tc you and grieve over my past anc future? Look, I've dealt with them for a long time and anger is not the key. Weren't you the one accusing me for having serious problems last night? This is insanity, deal with it. Now calm yourself liggsbury. "Pain remind: ; of how fragile we real I are but dealing pain awakens them". Don't waste their abilities on fight and hatred, I don't like it but what we need is a bit of sanity. I'm starting to miss my forme abilities. Ripping things apart, teleporting, healing, lould use some of that heh look for the m and its "things' This brilliant plan again after all that's happened!? How can you be sure this machine will allow one to sscape!? Shut up or prove it! Isn't that obvious? Those puppets whom assembled the machine and used it And if your puppets assembled it then why are we looking for its parts spread across this
Don't Starve,Игры,comic,willson,Maxwell (Don't Starve),длиннопост,песочница,Wilson (Don't Starve)
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Вот это точно ДЛИННО пост
Shamael Shamael 16.03.201414:34 ответить ссылка 3.5
Кто отважится на русский перевести?
Ну, лично я английский знаю и перевести могу, но с фотожопом не очень дружу.
CFYBR CFYBR 16.03.201414:47 ответить ссылка 0.5
Умоляю, сделайте перевод этого комикса!
NeKiT828 NeKiT828 16.03.201415:12 ответить ссылка 0.4
Если пост наберёт достаточно плюсов, то я постараюсь потанцевать с бубнами вокруг фотожопа, чтобы потом залить переведённую версию.
CFYBR CFYBR 16.03.201415:15 ответить ссылка 0.5
ничего сложного, комикс специально сделан так чтобы помазать можно было, верь в себя и все получиться)
Нихуя себе
tommorow tommorow 16.03.201415:43 ответить ссылка 1.6
если будет перевод на русском то думаю пост точно много плюсов наберет.
awds awds 16.03.201417:00 ответить ссылка 0.4
Не очень хорошо знаю Английский,но смысл предложений в принципе понимаю
Я думал что новый год быстрее будет чем дочитаю О_о
Из-за свего прекрасного знания английского, я тупо просматривал картинки, и всеравно это получилось долго...
Автор поста, ты тролль! Блджад, зачем я это открыл?! - все равно в английском не шарю...
прочитал этот четырехметровый пост, охуенно...
Klayton Klayton 18.03.201422:14 ответить ссылка 0.0
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г ЯШМ			к н
Я не знаю, как долго я здесь нахожусь.
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И л це могу найти хоть какую-то пищ\
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Что я здесь делаю?
Я знаю, где-то здесь есть ответы на мои вопросы -
- но не один и

Don't Starve Игры comic willson Maxwell (Don't Starve) длиннопост перевел сам Wilson (Don't Starve)

г ЯШМ к н I1 * Я не знаю, как долго я здесь нахожусь. И я не знаю, ¥ где я. Я чувствую лишь холодный воздух. И л це могу найти хоть какую-то пищ\ Монстры только и\ ждут, как бы разорвать меня. Что я здесь делаю? Я знаю, где-то здесь есть ответы на мои вопросы - ш I - но не один и
Don’t Starve Tales: Inevitable (Musical),Gaming,,It's that time of year! Save up to 75% on Klei games in the Steam Winter Sale, on now!
????????????⛄❄️http://store.steampowered.com/sale/klei To celebrate the Winter's Feast in Don't Starve Together we wanted to release this short that’s been in our v

Don't Starve Игры Maxwell (Don't Starve) Wilson (Don't Starve) Willow (Don't Starve) Игровое видео

Don’t Starve Tales: Inevitable (Musical),Gaming,,It's that time of year! Save up to 75% on Klei games in the Steam Winter Sale, on now! ????????????⛄❄️http://store.steampowered.com/sale/klei To celebrate the Winter's Feast in Don't Starve Together we wanted to release this short that’s been in our v
ecfor.de via nt art. tiohol What a fool I
Your pxztty sck2no<2: won't h<zlp you in this world. scrub>l"

Don't Starve Игры willson Maxwell (Don't Starve) песочница Wilson (Don't Starve)

tiohol What a fool I Your pxztty sck2no<2: won't h<zlp you in this world. scrub>l"