4 Girl Chair Trick!,Tech,,Add me on Facebook. (click LIKE on Facebook to add me) / равновесие :: девушки :: стулья :: видео (video)

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4 Girl Chair Trick!,Tech,,Add me on Facebook. (click LIKE on Facebook to add me) http://www.facebook.com/brusspup Check out another cool version of this trick here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiqaLCkrnKM Thank you to everyone that participated in this video. You all did an awesome job! Here's a simple, fun and amazing trick to try with friends, family or at a party. Just follow the layout of the chairs in the video. Make sure everyones height is about the same. You can do the trick with 3 or more people. Visually, I feel that 4 gives the best effect. Have fun!
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Комментарии 4 06.04.201412:04 ссылка -2.9
Дочки Мюнхгаузена.
Aguila Aguila 06.04.201413:14 ответить ссылка 0.0
А как обратно?
mestet mestet 06.04.201414:35 ответить ссылка 0.0
а никак... это ловушка :D
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