Serenade to Miette (HD) 2D Animated Thriller / Love Story By Toniko Pantoja,Film,,A Short heroic film about a street magician, a professional illusionist, and the mafia. Serenade to Miette (2011) 02:00 | 2D Animation - Thriller / Romance Produced at CalArts | California Institute of the Arts (www.calarts.edu) CREDITS: Created, Directed and Animated by Toniko Pantoja. Music by Phillip Wareborn, Sound Design by Glenn Hårfagre. This is the uncut version of the film, produced in 1st year of CalArts study. https://vimeo.com/user1027469 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Browse our cool books at www.madartistpublishing.com. Get your own book made or be featured in our collective books, just visit the website. http://www.madartistpublishing.com http://facebook.com/madartistpublishing http://twitter.com/sketchoholic http://facebook.com/Sketchoholic http://www.sketchoholic.com htttp://Youtube.com/MadArtistPublishing http://Youtube.com/MadArtistReels http://Youtube.com/studioreels USED WITH PERMISSION
video,фокусы,Магия,романтика,песочница,Toniko Pantoja
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