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Resident Evil Numa,Film,,http://shadowleggy.webs.com/ http://residentevilmusicals.webs.com/ --- Thanks everyone, for watching and enjoying my video. It's awesome to know that this video brought so many people together from back as far as '06. With this being the video that 'started it all', I just wanted to show my appreciation here, so again... Thank you! Without you guys, many friends I have met and ambitions I've accomplished here wouldn't of ever happened. --- A big thanks to everyone who helped me restore this video. There was a point in time where this video was flagged as inappropriate, and not available for viewing to anyone with a profile marked under 18 years old. --- When uploaded, I didn't know the name of the song was actually Dragostea Din Tei, so I just called it Numa Numa. Also, a few of the lyrics are misheard. This was intentional so that they would fit the scenarios that take place in the video. It's a parody, so, it's meant to be pretty retarded. Hope you enjoy! --- Resident Evil Musicals™ ©LeggyProductions Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM
милота,Resident Evil,Игры,ShadowLeggy,video,Numa Numa
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