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EZRA, IX. X. wvisht of every we w.,v wflvr t'"* i ____ ^ XJJ„ ;ht was w ritten №k' ”v\\iel> thow ’ children of those that t hy thy servant» * “i» .41— ,hr,r„.l away, which were in*. Th, hud. un* had hec“ ‘ f the captivity. .»offered i nosscM lt, is un pcuv»o №,3k?k.k&-Tr'itf.i.’.T. boiSfc^;:sr;silSi rnol. t . BJX r,uns< seventy and se- | have nnea “1 uncleantiess. [¿whs.^twjelve he Boats/or | °\\^yow thc,-,; «ritfe cohA***»» ?' *"'* :*sEtL Lided \ .TX'c V" , .»u..----;---»e'goats %. ¡sS Si * I ,w- -- . —d they delivered me Riui - *>\e king's lieu1 r offer' 1 1* Now therefore “ g0iis ue ‘ kins'.; ssss ,£sfe.™ “”?asn Ueute- I ’■ nor seek then peaeCy ^ etron take their “„Tuieir'tvealUi . •tMaJs^snaiaiK «rssS a?8rs«!*MrssrK|as i s S'.s“;sdsr&*i5» *» the people, and the house of God. | « CHAPTER r'r aod oi mo inheritance ' nonsc oc ww“* I dren for ever. that is come upon 'ER IX. 13 And after an t d for ourgreat ,,,, „ffinify of the people \ ,,s for onr cMl deeus, a . OXL our God 1 f£Z,™<,,,,jers. 5 H'prayeth. »>Uo Ooi wu>< , trespass, seeing; W a than our 6, {¿SStturaSSt and bast given u* to give ue . I Jerusalem. 10 And now, 0 our God, what £ eu,nun \------------ \ ed unto \ 0 eongre- \ u\d cAiil- \ b \ •cry soye. great , 01 J e\ne\, \ seeping. \ \ answered \ , \ are tv\ cNeh.ld.2i. I and "have li.-Ol'lf <«f • ih hope iti | I take da co-V^Cki!s4^l .ut away all \ ire 1)01X1 oi \ t Keb. t0 .unsel of my \ hr ^ forth, etremble at \ e ck. 9.4. -nr God; and WDemT-2^. :o tire law. j ,ter belongeth be with, tbee: I do it. kid made trie j-s, and all ls-ley should do [d. And they hp from before [ went into the Lire son of Elia-Lme tlrittier, he hr drink, water; hse of tire transit had been carle proclamation, f and Jerusalem L of the captmt-iatber themsei [salem; •soever wovda №3
'. • с ^
shall he/ 3<tw<JL house etli for <M| 4 «Ilntt? light in f and full f 5 7 A gf ' lendetlufi Awith fit 6' Surq’fy ever: kl,\m lasting t * dfmine n.l •/t,,om , a-j, r^P'lx* uV V’Df i 'íhé I°cu'ir.lk tlll-OUfi!. f stand fant foi and are * done in truth tnesB. ’ e sent redemption unto If 1« fche liatli commanded his mever: «holy and reverend .it***, ;üeír heads. hoKD mj •IP n'e’ In thy №er°y , i W*?;» tBf that ^*55 thou. t 1 _.Trce but bless tli iifrfse let them be ash: y»nse. t rejoice. servant rejoice - adversaries be cloth and let them cover rfth their own confusion, rrpjitiv praise the Lord mtb; yea, °I will praise he multitude, shall stand at the right ioor, to save him ffrom demn his souL AIM CX. the priesthood, 5 /Ac con-the passion of Christ, m of David. taiidin for ever said unto my Lord nyright hand, until! tidings mics thy footstool. all send the rod of of Zion: rule thou ne enemies. hall he willing in rer, nn the honw-■om the womb of of the Tjort) is the be-sdom : (1 a good under-all they + that do his ■: his praise endureth .12. BM CXII. : promises of this life, 4 and e. 10 The prosperity of the •lyesore to the wicked, i the IjORD. «Blessed L that feareth the Bor'd, h greatly in his com- Ecclei 13. \\ Or, stood success, Prov. 3. 4. + Heb. that do them. shall be mighty upon ■ration of the upright riches shall be in his -'ghteousness endur- us me t ist + Heb. Hallelujah, a Ps. 128.1 I> Ps.119.16 35,47,70, 143. cPs. 25.13. \ & 37. 26. & \ 102. 28. l d Mat. 6.33. \ there ariseth \ e Job 11.17. \ 'te is gracious, Ps- 97-11. \ ndrighteous. 1 gPs. 37-26. \ \ favour, and huke e-35-\iis affairs 1 h EPK 5. 15-Col. 4. 5. moved for 1 \ Heb-e in ever-1 Juriytnmt. t Ps. 15. 5. . ot evil , «trust- 0 lie shall his desire Fliath given eousness en- 1ÍS horn alml! ha Je Prov. 10.7. I Prov. 1.33 m Ps. 57. 7 n Ps. 64.11 0 Prov. 1.3 I p Ps. 59.1 it 113. 7. : q 2 Cor. 9.
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