Новости Офтоп 26 августа 2015, 04:09 V Максим Максимов о 301 4 В Гондурасе после сеанса экзорцизма по ошибке похоронили живую девушку % http://Mvw.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/centralamericaandthe Нэйси Перез находилась на третьем месяце беременности и потеряла сознание услышав выстрелы рядом с домом. Родители обнаружили её с пеной у рта и вызвали экзорциста, после сеанса которого она перестала подавать признаки жизни и её похоронили. Спустя сутки на кладбище муж Нэйси услышал крики и стук. Он позвал на помощь, но девушку спасти не удалось.
Dead Teen 'Wakes' Screaming Inside Coffin As Family Members Smash Tomb,News & Politics,,Dead teen 'wakes' screaming inside coffin as family members smash tomb "As I put my hand on her grave I could hear noises inside. I heard banging, then I heard her voice. She was screaming for help" This is the moment frantic people smashed into a concrete tomb to help a dead teenager who 'woke up' in a coffin. Startling footage shows grieving family members smashing their way into the tomb and wrenching open the wooden casket, after claiming to have heard 16-year-old Neysi Perez inside. Relatives claimed they then found the glass viewing window on her coffin had been smashed and the tips of her fingers covered in bruises. But despite efforts to revive her medics found no signs of life and she was later returned to the cemetery and reburied in the same mausoleum. Ms Perez, who was three months pregnant, reportedly fell unconscious after waking up in the night to use the outside toilet at her home in La Entrada, western Honduras.
Клуб аметистов,клуб атеистов,разное,экзорцизм,Гондурас
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