Я так и не понял эту страницу. / loading artist :: уточка :: личное :: чтение

loading artist чтение личное уточка 
Я так и не понял эту страницу.
When selecting an Asking start 10-20% above what y< currently achieving with c advertising providers. With mind, gradually increase j Asking Price, monitoring yc rate performance to find the ( balance that will provide you increase in a substantial perc of your inventory Additiona rates will
When selecting an Asking start 10-20% above what y< currently achieving with c advertising providers. With mind, gradually increase j Asking Price, monitoring yc rate performance to find the ( balance that will provide you increase in a substantial perc of your inventory Additiona rates will fluctuate tbroughc When selecting an Asking start 10-20% above what y< currently achieving with c advertising providers. With mind, gradually increase Asking Price, monitoring yc rate performance to find the < balance that will provide you increase in a substantial perc of your inventory Additiona rates will fluctuate throughc When selecting an Asking start 10-20% above what y< currently achieving with c advertising providers. With mind, gradually increase j Asking Price, monitoring yc rate performance to find the < balance that will provide you increase in a substantial perc .of your inventory Additiona ates will fluctuate through L oadi ngArtist.com
loading artist,чтение,личное,уточка
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знакомо) сидишь читаешь ман какой-нить из особо интересных.
читаешь. читаешь. еще читаешь. осознаешь что ничерта из прочитанного не помнишь, а голова занята каким-нить архиважным вопросом )
BOLVERIN BOLVERIN 25.04.201218:27 ответить ссылка 0.0
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