General Mumble - Fluttershy is a Dubstep Robot,Music,my,little,pony,friendship,is,magic,remix,dubstep,fluttershy,sings,yay,wub,yoy,etc,*breathe in*... YOY~ ALBUM OUT NOW!!: http://generalmumble.bandcamp.com/album/songs-about-the-pink-one-and-others Something I whipped up for Toastbeard a couple weeks back. Quite happy with how it turned out! It was a lot of fun toying around with Fluttershy's "yay" alongside synthesisers blasting out their "yoy"s and "yay"s. Yep good fun. 70/140bpm Here's your MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?jsen2tpz8h9dcab The (jaw-droppingly brilliant) art was done by Iris-sempi on deviantArt, go check out their profile or go express your amazement at the image itself! http://iris-sempi.deviantart.com/ http://iris-sempi.deviantart.com/art/FLUTTERSHY-IS-A-DUBSTEP-ROBOT-305371737 Obligatory Links Dump BANDCAMP (download my albums!) - http://generalmumble.bandcamp.com/ FACEBOOK (I'll post every song and album release here) - http://www.facebook.com/pages/General-Mumble/238972816143888 TWITTER (listen to me be mundane) - http://twitter.com/#!/generalmumble TUMBLR (I blog stuff, also ask me questions) - http://generalmumble.tumblr.com/ DEVIANTART (Most of my graphic design, song arts, wallpapers, etc.) - http://poowis.deviantart.com/ SOUNDCLOUD (WIPs sometimes, full songs sometimes, utter dross sometimes) - http://soundcloud.com/general-mumble GOOGLE + (I don't really use this much) - https://plus.google.com/110047287893883914341/posts PONYSQUARE (Give me a hug) - http://ponysquare.com/generalmumble/ FA (I'll post my non-pony music here and that's about it) - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/generalmumble/
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