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Success! HITFILM 3 EXPRESS (100% DISCOUNT) YOUR LICENSE KEY Please read the directions given below. YOUR DOWNLOAD Download file 1: (Windows) HitFilm3Express x64 3.1.4724.15452.msi Download file 2: (Mac) HitFilm3Express 3.1.0132.pkg DIRECTIONS The download link for HitFilm 3 Express is given to you above. In order to activate your copy of HitFilm 3 Express, do the following: • [Click here to go to the giveaway pagej. • At the giveaway page, you will see four buttons to share the offer on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Reddit. If you use any of those websites, then share the offer. If you do not use any of those websites, then click the Twitter button and simply close the window that pops up -- you don't actually need a Twitter account to get this giveaway. • Next, fill out the form on the page to create a free HitFilm account or log into your existing account --click the blue "SEND ME THE DOWNLOAD" button when ready. Be sure to remember the email and password you enter here, because you will need it again. • If you created a new account, you will need to check the email address you registered and click the "DOWNLOAD HITFILM 3 EXPRESS" button in the email --this email verifies your account. If you did not create a new account, you won't get this email and you can skip this step. • Now download and install HitFilm 3 Express from the links given above. • After install, run HitFilm 3 Express and click the "ACTIVATE & UNLOCK" button. • Finally, login with your HitFilm 3 Express account (the one you just created or logged into) and HitFilm 3 Express will be registered - you will need to restart the program for registration to be applied. • Eniov!
Халява,халявное по,длиннопост,песочница
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Я чуть пошарился по сайту - из интересного нашел халявный Панда антивирь (100 лет назад юзал его, стало интересно как он там сейчас) и бесплатную книгу по дата саенсу от О'райли, типа крутое издательство.
Зарегался на говномыло и вот результат: в книге только первые 16 страниц, а от Панды только триалка на полгода.
сайты раздающие халаву