Candy Store | Heathers Animatic,Film & Animation,,tysm to all the people who have been patient with / клип :: анимация :: мюзикл :: Heathers Candy Store :: Раскадровка :: YouTube :: notpostinghereanymorewoops

notpostinghereanymorewoops YouTube Раскадровка Heathers Candy Store мюзикл клип анимация удалённое 

Candy Store | Heathers Animatic,Film & Animation,,tysm to all the people who have been patient with my work :"D and to those who aren't, sorry sfdsfdddfgjds but i'm not a machine who can just spit this stuff out whenever u want. i'm still a human so please, i beg of you to please be patient. but thank you for your support! also obviously just trying and barely getting rid of same face but also failing skdfs i'll get there slowly but surely dw heck PROGRAMS: Drawing: paint tool sai Editing: movie maker audio is from the heathers soundtrack TUMBLR: TWITTER: REDBUBBLE:
notpostinghereanymorewoops,YouTube,Раскадровка,Heathers Candy Store,мюзикл,клип,анимация,удалённое
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valerkos valerkos 08.04.201700:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
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mrrnr " Магазин сладостей" -  Мюзикл "Heathers" Аниматик \ "Candy Store" - Musical "HEATHERS" ANIMATIC,Music,Магазин сладостей,Мюзикл,Heathers,Аниматик,Candy Store,Musical,ANIMATIC,Русские субтитры,Оригинал Видео -

Heathers мюзикл musical Animatic перевел сам candy store песочница

" Магазин сладостей" - Мюзикл "Heathers" Аниматик \ "Candy Store" - Musical "HEATHERS" ANIMATIC,Music,Магазин сладостей,Мюзикл,Heathers,Аниматик,Candy Store,Musical,ANIMATIC,Русские субтитры,Оригинал Видео -
"Beautiful" - HEATHERS ANIMATIC,People & Blogs,heathers,musical,animatic,animation,veronica,jd,paint tool sai,heathers the musical,duke,mcnamera,chandler,OMG THIS TOOK 4 FUCKING DAYS TO MAKE AAAAAAAAA!!!!
sorry it's so sketchy !!

also 312 frames
so ya 
hope you like ittt :)

"Beautiful" -

animation Heathers мюзикл песочница

"Beautiful" - HEATHERS ANIMATIC,People & Blogs,heathers,musical,animatic,animation,veronica,jd,paint tool sai,heathers the musical,duke,mcnamera,chandler,OMG THIS TOOK 4 FUCKING DAYS TO MAKE AAAAAAAAA!!!! sorry it's so sketchy !! also 312 frames so ya hope you like ittt :) SONG: "Beautiful" -