Unft* TiMf yOLflO eatr#iT'>Wrakag i-4 wren laud'ücn. .Aft divKiQikis and ANTON YELCHIN The Next G / Антон Ельчин (Anton Yelchin)

Антон Ельчин auto 
Unft* TiMf yOLflO eatr#iT'>Wrakag i-4 wren laud'ücn. .Aft divKiQikis and
The Next Great Russian Cosmonaut
r<y a yeura actc< on t-w b' ■* c‘ s-.a^sr Anior Ye- :h>- u feeirg ».rpriirfiiy pensive "I xpa ttssa mj.-ias do v.aii, he irate. *Thsyccst a srt-tor of rroray/He man t woiy in
Unft* TiMf yOLflO eatr#iT'>Wrakag i-4 wren laud'ücn. .Aft divKiQikis and ANTON YELCHIN The Next Great Russian Cosmonaut r<y a yeura actc< on t-w b' ■* c‘ s-.a^sr Anior Ye- :h>- u feeirg ».rpriirfiiy pensive "I xpa ttssa mj.-ias do v.aii, he irate. *Thsyccst a srt-tor of rroray/He man t woiy in a taw sftor* yaaifi. ■»'& £-.vn;cKC)!ea Iron auest Boots cn i&wK fYrter. t>i*r.sis' A)*v:? ar.:J lk.ro n-.1 rr>th:e-:.Vir til hkI'j lane ItoCnirf-. H&ifatt fiiKl Hovso ot D a ic.<f Jrg rotes in a Jur uf (wd il lih‘16 w.*t lo bewxtif tv«v uf tfiu vtmnnaiV bkjyssi blockbusters.1' SIj/ Ttw. tw t iiyjvvu’H) Pus«»* izazo :ac«t ?av* C -Q'i><. b purt IIr.it -it researched ->• chut-•rg Mn original cast rrembe- Writer Kooric In ^rrr.Vwfp.' Satiation, he s:bos. into tfc role ol K>1« a cha ac- tar who e bcrti the tat far ar c proiefl6 ot futur^-saviof-ol-human«’/ aorn Omricr V.V:lkill(j r.n ITWiiVfl f)'rtt:.ll lilh:::l!WlluTj1 IIIiti fcflfi :W.il •ewrtno Ijóciro 20*y«áM>tí acior. -Th« ¡-jnsMy oí th8 lever into tne intensT/ of t'a sc6-o.‘ he fd serfannirg cp30£ite t>g rane& tjch az r.e tar eea inmaaiirq tfan ratxxiat ng the W: nf.1 áCphifttcacadleoh'K.ílríetartf “tftachallenge fa werk y**.»»»Ï*. JgiJaepoote. uocm.sc yojVoctoafcig /.•:). timijt II i-. vjkTia not MX- ’y.’ Iiu xifj. K*U.iiuidy, K'vMn 'A-.1 äixvtm iiiwlrjallyliii c r/jlloscnm .lia» evkœkyt M>2 YW sand gpvw.« a grip staxJ witti a xrm s bail an il * Hcav ad Wohin Kyoc«: :a crarinsnce sc qiicW/? tr a v,ay. -»was bon lito t. -Ils pa«ncs fsd -J-e Sovsc Uilo-v>An hù was ti mcr:h& old. cut they v/ers riarcf, your :yf> ¡natugí* 5—txïth were etar tigum eka-ins in trm- nal vs iriivi.' Ihn you*** >fefihn h¡tó inhf- i>tc: brrh hi* «si- lm pe-fcrran z>i a-K) ii»r drto tc stcc actors, he's sxatousry earnest about th¡ piccess. ¿drrnm-. • get raall/ eressed Oortojsv t-^- ccrr Tiitner b36 paid n -JM vswiii^ fATnfcnclailrp a tutuñi i «juti n»j»o than i-v’. ici-ti opico. *1100 w.tü» hi I k ouuotlu'i ty u «Kpctic'icu ao if KV.1ÍW.' "VJltf SO ins »VUIVrft v'wrt if yvj Ctwa^tCfS B5 pC59t'0.” REN MILLER STVLIN« JtSSICA DU NUirfcK -SHI-.T CALVIN KLÍ IN UNDERWEAR S7,-J T7VK & 011" MW FFr.V 1 .nrvF WJ rPV.<"¿'SOP SA, v/.rurw IS Tt. r IN >.VV =Ftr-.1 AARHFR RRJq UK-JIMH- ÛMNNA*IIM«A lltmjlA -,
Антон Ельчин,Anton Yelchin,auto
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