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trii1981 trii1981 08.07.201214:25 ответить ссылка -0.6
kull kull 08.07.201217:12 ответить ссылка 0.0
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When a shoebill comes to greet you, it sounds like a gunfight just broke out,Entertainment,Shoebill,Balaeniceps rex,whale-headed stor,Thanks for watching. Have a nice day!
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Screaming hawk at door,People & Blogs,hawk,screeching hawk,screaming hawk,doorstep,If a screaming hawk was at your door....What would you do? May 2016 - The hawk was ok. My dog and the hawk had just startled each other. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email
вороны своих не бросают,People & Blogs,,

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вороны своих не бросают,People & Blogs,,