Самолёт "ЮТэйр" экстренно вернули во Внуково из-за задымления Аримл Демидом / сегодня в 21:09 О 1957 ■ О М!£>< ч11088439
1/2256 IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER Model - CVS 1401 AVENGER,Film & Animation,star wars,star destroyer,ep vii,ep viii,rogue one,krieg der sterne,sternenzerstörer,glasfaserbeleuchtung,led,scifi,model,the empire strikes back,vi,iv,zvezda,isd,revell,1:2700,1/2700,Zvesda,1/2256 "Anigrand" ISD Resin Model *** not for sale *** Length: about 72 cm / 28 inch Illumination: about 1600-1700 fibre optics Building time: about 9 month Base: asteroid design Score: by MonforyHorrors: https://www.youtube.com/user/monforyhorrors My thoughts about the the color of the engine lights: The lightbulbs for the engine illumination in the different I.LM. ISD models were halogen-bulbs which are more warm-white than cold-white. The blueish effect was added in the post-production - therefore you can build this model "screen-accurate" or "I.L.M.-model" accurate" ;-)
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