YuGiOh только что добавило правило, предписывающее игрокам принимать душ перед турнирами.
Double К @ Sakuracon as Infernoc... @KeitaKuhn YuGiOh straight up just added in a rule telling players to shower for tournaments © Перевести твит Subsection I. Hygiene What charged? This is a new section, requiring all persons attending a tournament to be clean and wear clean clothing. What does this mean? If you or your clothing is excessively dirty or bad-smelling, you can be penalized. 01:00 -4 апр. 2019 r. 7 252 ретвита 20 069 отметок «Нравится» Q 258 IT 7,3 тыс. Z 20 тыс. Q