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Hat for the December 21 vote ... Is this a joke? [closed]
Asked today Active today Viewed 59 times
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This star on the warm welcome hat looks like a communist symbol
Asked yesterday Active today Viewed 2k times
I've just earned the "Warm Welcome hat" and the red star on it looks like a communist symbol. I associate this symbol on this particular hat closely with many atrocities against

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I was (mainly) responsible for picking hats this year.
When this hat was first introduced in 2014, there was a comment on the Secret Hats post from that year mentioning this concern but it doesn't seem that any action was taken to correct it. When I


Hat for the December 21 vote ... Is this a joke? [closed] Asked today Active today Viewed 59 times -19 ★ Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. 0 This question does not appear to seek input and discussion from the community. If you have encountered a problem on one of our sites, please describe it in detail. See also: What is "meta"? How does it work? Closed 3 mins ago by Sonic the Reinstate Momca-hoq, ttqvtq oa Mari-Lou A. Rob. Alexander O'Mara. (Private feedback for you) Stalin gave his birth date as 21 December 1879 (Old Style date 9 December 1879). That became the day his birthday was celebrated in the Soviet Union Look notes https://en.wikiDedia.org/wiki/Joseph Stalin Many people suffered because of his repression... Many innocents were exiled to the gulag... It's not funny! Looking forward to Hitler's birthday hat? If you removed the star from the hat, then correct it. For many, this person is associated with bad memories and repression. discussion winter-bash share edit delete flag edited just now asked 51 mins ago iluxa1810 ^0 71 «1 % N ew contributor
This star on the warm welcome hat looks like a communist symbol Asked yesterday Active today Viewed 2k times 58 ★ 6 I've just earned the "Warm Welcome hat" and the red star on it looks like a communist symbol. I associate this symbol on this particular hat closely with many atrocities against my country: Poland, as well as Czech, Hungary, Slovakia. Ukraine and many others from inside the Iron Curtain. I hope I don't get banned by this. It's just... I was really shocked to see it this morning. Can SE be more mindful of the symbols used when it’s just about fun? feature-request status-completed winter-bash offensive winter-bash-2019 share edit flag edited 9 hours ago asked yesterday emix 494 • 1 • 9 % New contributor 13 pe< Tavern 1 hour a Vi The Fir 40 mins £ Linked 4 s 338 53 t -13
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I was (mainly) responsible for picking hats this year. When this hat was first introduced in 2014, there was a comment on the Secret Hats post from that year mentioning this concern but it doesn't seem that any action was taken to correct it. When I looked into the past for hats to use. the trigger for this caught my attention but I did not notice the symbol/nor recognized it. Apparently, in 2014 several hats were designed after real hats and this was one of them. This is my fault and I apologize for causing hurt. To mitigate this, our wonderful designer, Kalina, has updated the hat to bear an icon that reflects the feeling of welcome it's intended to convey - a heart. This is live now: I hope you all enjoy this new version of the hat and can continue to have fun with the Winter Bash festivities this year! answered 19 hours ago Cesar M ♦ 4,519 «5 *20 »28 share edit flag edited 18 hours ago ^Catija ♦ 57.8k *25 »128 «212
geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,stackoverflow
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Комментарии 3 20.12.201922:40 ссылка -3.0
какой ты чувствительный мальчик илюха1810, обижаться на иконки шапок, серьезно?
Сначала они снимут красную звезду с твоей шапки ушанки, а потом еще чего удумают
Тут ситуация как с хулиганами в школе, сначала лохом тебя назовет , потом толкнет , а дальше уже будет травить всю школьную жизнь. Надо давать отпор этим долбоебам , а то хуй знает что они дальше потребуют поменять.
kutak kutak 21.12.201906:18 ответить ссылка -0.9
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Когда скопировал код со $1аскоиегПош, но изменил название переменных
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