REAL Potato 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube / Кубик Рубика :: картофель :: видео (video)

картофель Кубик Рубика видео 

REAL Potato 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube puzzle,Education,Rubik's,Cube,Rubix,Tony,Fisher,Meffert,Oskar,Feliks,Zemdegs,Valk,Pyraminx,Megaminx,SeungBeom,Cho,Examinx,V-Cube,twisty,puzzle,CFOP,WR,solve,3.47,Zhanchi,Guhong,mf8,c4u,speedcubing,ルービックキューブ,スピードキュービング,扭計骰,魔方,кубик,рубика,Cubo,Mágico,2x2x2,3x3x3,5x5x5,7x7x7,ShengShou,17x17x17,11x11x11,12x12x12,13x13x13,15x15x15,19x19x19,LanLan,Cube4you,qj,Dayan,weilong,WitEden,Maru,MoYu,Yuxin,Gan,QiYi,MoFangGe,Yong,Jun,Yusheng,Du,22x22x22,15x15,33x33,33x33x33,Patrick,Ponce,Ghost,Golden,Fangshi,mod,Yusheng Du,My fully functional real potato 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube puzzle ---------------------------------------- A version of this video will shortly be available to news / media companies on my Newsflare account - along with many others. ---------------------------------------- My website showing every puzzle I have ever made ► ---------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED PLACE TO BUY PUZZLES HKNowStore ► (Free worldwide shipping, good customer service, PayPal- all currencies accepted). ---------------------------------------- As an affiliate with HKNowstore, Lightake, Puzzlemaster & Amazon I earn from purchases made through my links. ---------------------------------------- Last Kiss Goodnight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist:
картофель,Кубик Рубика,видео,video
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Young Girl's Stunning hula-hooping performance and solving Rubik's Cube simultaneously | #shorts