Josh Lucas ICrOR Age I Hei^Ht: it. Status: Single, rada I until Alt&4№. At a №»11 publicity with t Dmi>h ^irlfricïul ReJhlonce: An appearance,hetoUihc^-rdwrttfojB*1**, ”¿1 ¿ip.irrnent in Ww Ynric Lit)’ BrwMhroujjh wonun looked ai fiv aid ícmniicd. You jj?j rolo: Rets* SVicîic^pwV* southern K»k- Ironi being ton 1y niKinymousioviincoik* Kind in Suwt / Jotne AIj'>jhm Ba^carouiû: treating you like yuu'rc \ fraile." Winning Born n Afkdnwis.I «cas was raisci in ihc ways: **Mo oiv should he rlui g;xxHookin£ South KM^re itioviri|; ro ihe Sean c anca .mil ;ha.r good an actor,n ta; v ALiJpjmij in the earlr *S(K wilh hi-» :hrcc iibiirt'* »**d director Andy Tennant. *' Its u it » « «- ** AJJ> parer» :> (Hi* dads a \l< >wt->r and hi* nmmV Gre^ Becker, an old p.il ír<»m Cjij¿ Harbor a nurve . ITiough hr hc^jn hits CflTCCr .it High Sdiwl: “If )«U D-«»x<d Paul Newman 19 and f\ad roles in American Ptychoattd and M.iuhcw McCoiiatighcy together in A Miffd, ÍK1 remained uuJci the a mcvphing madhine, you'd gr? Josh.” pno’o^raph Ivy ROULM r NAXYTELU
Джош Лукас,Josh Lucas,auto