Мэхор? Мэхор. / Мехор Педрила

Мехор Педрила песочница 

Мэхор? Мэхор.

Snickers - (Spain, 2021),Entertainment,LGBT,GLBT,Marketing the Rainbow,Gay commercial,Lesbian commercial,Snickers in Spain pulled this controversial ad within days after its launch and apologized for any “misunderstanding that may have been caused” after the 20-second film was widely condemned for being homophobic. The advert shows gay Spanish influencer Aless Gibaja ordering a “sexy orange juice” while a friend trades puzzled looks with the waiter. The campy gay guy says "With Vitamins A, B, and C....Little hugs (Abrazitos), little kisses (Besitos), and caresses (Caricias)...around the world..." The waiter responds by handing Gibaja a Snickers ice-cream bar, and after a bite, Gibaja appears to transform into a bearded man with a deep voice. “Better?” the friend asks. “Better,” replies the man as the tagline reads: “You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.” This tagline has been used by Snickers for years now, including very funny Super Bowl commercials (with Betty White, for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18ya0-OZ58s) but also Liza and Aretha made an appearance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW6ZXHWvaGc, as did Joan Collins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSXIvHECIVg. The all revolve around a "Diva"-theme. The advert was heavily criticized after it began circulating online, with some calling for a boycott of the brand. The State Federation of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals was among those to condemned it, saying that it was “shameful and unfortunate that there are companies that continue to perpetuate stereotypes and promote homophobia”. Spain’s minister for equality, Irene Montero, also weighed in. “I wonder who would think it is a good idea to use homophobia as a business strategy,” she said on Twitter. “Our society is diverse and tolerant. Hopefully those who have the power to decide what we see and hear in advertisements and TV programs will learn to be as well.” The incident comes weeks after Spain was rocked by the fatal beating of a young gay man in an alleged homophobic attack. The killing of 24-year-old Samuel Luiz sparked nationwide protests. It was part of a series of homophobic attacks across Spain that have made headlines in recent months, pointed out the far-left party Podemos. “In the face of a wave of LGBTI-phobia, including attacks and even murders, Snickers can’t think of a better idea than to create a trashy commercial that tells you that you are not yourself if you are effeminate,” it said on Twitter. Snickers Spain said it would immediately pull the advert and apologized “for any misunderstanding” that may have been caused by the campaign. “In this particular campaign we wanted to convey in a friendly and lighthearted way that hunger can change your character,” it said in a statement posted online. “At no time was it intended to stigmatise or offend any person or collective.”
Мехор Педрила,песочница
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Комментарии 3 10.08.202116:18 ссылка -5.9
Ну Мехор по испански "Лучше" (Mejor). В чем шутка то?
PSYMorph PSYMorph 10.08.202116:25 ответить ссылка 0.0
Реклама в стиле "ты не ты когда голоден", вроде бы даже сникерсам пришлось извиниться за гомофобию в ролике с педрилой) Старые ролики в этой теме.

Ну и как бы теги бы нормально проставить там типа: реклама , snickers, Ну и Мехор Педрила наверное два тега, а не один!
PSYMorph PSYMorph 10.08.202116:35 ответить ссылка 0.0
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