The Foolish Samurai Warrior!,Gaming,Samurai Jack,aku,cartoon network,adultswim,cartoon,animated,parody,Fool,Samurai Fool,funny,comedy,Jack,Aku is a hypocrite cause he doesn't know how to tie his shoes either since he doesn't have feet. they are both fools! also sorry that my Aku impression sounds like a Mexican voice. Any more takes and my throat would die. Merch and Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/Goobmerch My Newgrounds: https://doobus-goobus.newgrounds.com/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/DoobusGoobus
Самурай Джек,Samurai Jack,Cartoon Network,Мультфильмы,Мультсериалы, Cartoons,анимация,английский язык,песочница
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