Первая страница газеты Sunday Review (NYT) от 29 мая
.-v ^ -VjSJ —-es said the gunman .» PARKLAND, FLA., 2018, 17 KILLED Authorities said the gunman was able to obta\ »UTHERLAND SPRINGS, TEXAS, 2017, 26 KILLED uthorities said the gunman was ab\e to obtain VEGAS, 2017, 60 KILLED an VU&S able to obt»'11 \e§®^ eaP°n AuthoririeIsa^he^n--"W“aWeto^"'V'eV,e IL7L’wtie7sLdothe gunman was able to obtain tVte V*eaP°° ^uthorities said the gunman was able to obtain tbe weapOtv\eS‘ thorities said the gunman was able to obtain tbe weapon^ Authorities said the gunman was able to obtain tbe weapotvV „ OAKS, CALIF-, 2018, 12 KILLED Authorities said the gunman was able to obtain tV>e PITTSBURGH, 2018, 11 KILLED es s&i<d the gu siuthonties said the gunman was able to obtain tbew Orlando, fla., 2016,49 killed uthorities said the gunman was able to obtain tYve^ r BURG,ORE.. 2015, 9 HILLED
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