Bernie SandersO @BernieSanders • Id Health care is a human right. Q 4,064 tl 85.2K Q? 389K Curt (Libertarian) ? @checkmate... Id So is gun ownership! Q 33 11 11 O 338 CJ Roan @CJRoan1 • 1d No ones trying to take your guns boomer Q 5 til V 175 Curt (Libertarian) $ @checkmate... - Id i'm not worried about people taking my guns, i want the government to pay for my guns. Q 7 11 O 55 KirbStomp @KirbSto41454704 7h it's the right to be able to own a gun if you want it; it's not the right to be given a gun O 1 11 1 V 5 Curt (Libertarian) ^ @checkmate... 7h Oh. Is that how rights work? Then why does everyone say I need to be given healthcare? O 5 11 1 e? 24 «s
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