-And after a bang there was nothing much left- :nai MANIFE Fulgora's special ability Few th / art барышня :: planetapolilla :: art (арт)

art барышня art planetapolilla 
-And after a bang there was nothing much left-
Fulgora's special ability
Few things spread the gospel of fear quite like the threat of a sudden explosion, Rigged grenades set before battle are control and coercion in pure form; the inability to fight back against them, every step

-And after a bang there was nothing much left- :nai MANIFE Fulgora's special ability Few things spread the gospel of fear quite like the threat of a sudden explosion, Rigged grenades set before battle are control and coercion in pure form; the inability to fight back against them, every step full of risk, and uncertainty. Plans, personnel and equipment all crumble when the explosions set off with malice coordinated. Piecemeal at first, then speeding up in tempo until nothing is left. Fear is the witches blade. Fulgora's exceptional sleight of hand, mastery of concealment and something beyond lets her shoot them from any position, even in retreat. Acta de transparencia y libertad de información Occultist ops declassified files ¡m-u.-™ 301
art барышня,art,арт,planetapolilla
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