Ш( (L ь- ■ ''Яш ^|И j jj 1 ‘ ^ Г*1 / Battletech :: BattleTech (MechWarrior) :: Ares (mech) :: 5th Sword of Light :: Vulcan (mech) :: Hunchback (mech) :: Firestarter (mech) :: Poseidon (mech) :: Davion Assault Guards :: Federated Suns :: Draconis Combine :: Игры :: разное

#BattleTech Battletech Draconis Combine Federated Suns Poseidon (mech) Firestarter (mech) Hunchback (mech) Vulcan (mech) 5th Sword of Light Ares (mech) ...Игры Davion Assault Guards 

		(L ь-	■ ''Яш
^|И j jj 1 ‘ ^	Г*1,BattleTech,MechWarrior,разное,Battletech,Игры,Draconis Combine,Federated Suns,Davion Assault Guards,Poseidon (mech),Firestarter (mech),Hunchback (mech),Vulcan (mech),5th Sword of Light,Ares (mech)

 Ш( (L ь- ■ ''Яш ^|И j jj 1 ‘ ^ Г*1
BattleTech,MechWarrior,разное,Battletech,Игры,Draconis Combine,Federated Suns,Davion Assault Guards,Poseidon (mech),Firestarter (mech),Hunchback (mech),Vulcan (mech),5th Sword of Light,Ares (mech)
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Не уверен что это Посейдон,Стоун дарил Федсанам Аресов.
alecseus alecseus 11.07.202412:09 ответить ссылка 0.0
А Аресы с клешней есть?
Точно есть у конфигураций Hades и Aphrodite
Вот руководство по сборке от IWM
Ares “Aphrodite” COüflg 135 íons - Superheauy Assembly Instructions
Shoulder+3 x LRM 5 Launcher
Copyright © 2014 Iron Wind Metals
Torso + pelvis
Кстати это именно тот конфиг что на картинке
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BattleTech,MechWarrior разное Battletech Игры Draconis Combine 5th Sword of Light Cyclops (mch) Phoenix Hawk (mech) Dragon (mech) Javelin (mech) Taurian Concordat Wolverine (mech) Vulcan (mech) Firestarter (mech) Leopard (dropship) Warhammer (mech) Archer (mech) Rifleman (mech) Marauder (mech) Federated Suns Shadow Hawk (mech) Locust (mech) Centurion (mech) 1st Sword of Light lyran commonwealth 3rd Royal Guards Atlas (mech) Banshee (mech) Highlander (mech) Jenner (mech) King Crab (mech) BattleMaster (mech) Catapult (mech) Cyclops (mech) #BattleTech Battletech games Draconis Combine 5th Sword of Light Cyclops (mch) Phoenix Hawk (mech) Dragon (mech) Javelin (mech) Taurian Concordat Wolverine (mech) Vulcan (mech) Firestarter (mech) Leopard (dropship) Warhammer (mech) Archer (mech) Rifleman (mech) Marauder (mech) Federated Suns Shadow Hawk (mech) Locust (mech) Centurion (mech) 1st Sword of Light lyran commonwealth 3rd Royal Guards Atlas (mech) Banshee (mech) Highlander (mech) Jenner (mech) King Crab (mech) BattleMaster (mech) Catapult (mech) Cyclops (mech) SpOoKy777

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