- The government will place a tax on short ones.
- you need a special permit if your woman is too short.
- The government will also require a tax on ones who are quieter than normal while at the same time require another tax on ones who talk too fast.
- While driving in a car she should be locked in the trunk
I DRE№\ WO№N WIU ONf HAVf THl SAME RIGHTS SO JUST TO BE CLEAR: • She wants to be locked up when not in use. • She wants to be banned from airplanes. * She wants to be banned from public schools. • She wants to be kept out of government buildings. * Businesses can post “No Women Allowed” signs. * She wants to be banned completely in New York, Chicago, and D.C. • She wants women to be severely restricted in Hawaii and California. * Women will not be allowed anywhere alcohol is consumed. • Carrying a woman will require a special permit. * Women can't be carried openly. * Women will be prohibited from having certain popular cosmetic accessories. • A man can own multiple women,Cl only after a background check.
оружие,pun intended,,без перевода
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