the virgin Arkhid the chad Lady Wolf uses weapons to fight is a pitiful human with all human limitations wears clothes to hide his ugly form his organization is called "arkhid gang" like a ragtag band of racketeers they are has an underground torture dungeon to hold his prisoners in, and yet they still managed to escape had to go in the field to lead his men in one desperate assault (which failed) must bribe the guard to keep his operations going his best friend is a regular human who probably already died is a weapon herself is an ancient demon whose power limits are not even known proudly strolls around in all her unobscured magnificence is a head of a proudly sounding "house of Wolves" which gives impression of a noble family has no need for cells, let's her property walk free, knowing perfectly well that they will not get away never had to do anything herself, cotrols everything from the backstage, none of her plans has ever failed has bribed, blackmailed, manipulated and seduced most of the people in the government her best frenemy is another legendary demon who sows chaos in the town
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