ян ВИИ вша ш»я ntti ggsç гкжшМ llSp IaKvSmkrvt Ш» мшшш вв¡¡¡Япя ШИStolen laser pow er / продолжение под катом :: длинный пост :: как это работает :: в разрезе :: плакаты

плакаты как это работает в разрезе длинный пост продолжение под катом 
плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
вв,плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
ШИ,плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
Stolen laser pow er cell
Ilcat exhaust vent
Rear freight elevator
Fuel drive pressure stabilizer
Hydraulic system
Hud driver
Concealed Master cannon,
Suhlight engines
Number two hold
плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
The Life Aquatic
The 21 swimming pools aboard ship include a kids’ water park, a beach pool, and two wave pools. More than 600,000 gallons of water will circulate in the various pools; passengers will likely consume another 560,000 gallons per day.
Amidships, gardeners will manicure a
плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
Cranio formato da 20 ossa
Bulbo olfattivo (sente gli odori)
Nervi olfattivi nella cavila nasale
Gabbia toracica
Cockpit acccss tube
Blaster targeting rangefinder
Shock absorber
Piston drive prcssurizer .
Knee joint brake
Reinforced heavy armor
Energizer and drive control systems —
Footpad yaw strut
Backpack charger troop bench > High-speed cable winch v Upper deck officer
Up to
Bio metabolizer Short range sensor
Emergency air supply capsule
Dust/corrosion proof armor
Oil pressure motor unit
Retractable interface needle
Digestion organ pot
Hip actuator unit
Automatic holster unit
Main energy battery
Gun holder
Shoulder unit
Shoulder actuator unit
IBS ÏHUIT,плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
SO million year old volcanic rock
Fractured rocks
Caldera fill
3.8to3.4billk)iiyear old granite basement
Fractured rocks
Granite batholitb
Reartooth Range
Cooke Cit>
Range Vlamniith
Tower Jet. ft* ' •
Gallatin i r\
5aüM/ Norris Jet
Command Module
During their journey to the Moon, the astronauts lived in the Command Module. While two of them descended to the lunar surface, the third stayed behind in the orbiting craft. Building this capsule was perhaps the most complex task of the Apollo program: it had over


ян ВИИ вша ш»я ntti ggsç гкжшМ llSp IaKvSmkrvt Ш» мшшш вв
¡¡¡Япя ШИ
Stolen laser pow er cell IX'Gjunw Engineering station Ilcat exhaust vent Power core Rear freight elevator Secret compart mcnts. Boarding ramp Fuel drive pressure stabilizer Hydraulic system Hud driver Concealed Master cannon, llvpcrdrrie Suhlight engines Number two hold Thrust sector plate Registry' marking Life support systems Outboard power adapters \ Thrust sector magnet mm Suhlight dm e exhaust Rear hover pad and landing gear quarter Circuitry hay Pott docking nng Maintenance access bay Mandible Added armor plate De-Gausser Blast damage Sensor processing systems Freight loading arm Concussion missiles Fuel lank stores Fakon*» highly unstable dangerous liquid metal fuel Hypers pace integrator Warp vortex stabilizer Forward floodlight Main sensor reclenna Landing Deflector shield > P"**» \ Auxiliary \ acceleration ■ Dc flee lor shiekJ generator ' compensator Electromagnet ic freight barge clamp l-'rcight loading room Fuel cooling system Freight loading doors Passive sensor antenna Ami-concussion field generator Lower quad-laser turret

The Life Aquatic The 21 swimming pools aboard ship include a kids’ water park, a beach pool, and two wave pools. More than 600,000 gallons of water will circulate in the various pools; passengers will likely consume another 560,000 gallons per day. Greenways Amidships, gardeners will manicure a green space half the size of a football field, filled with tropical plants, vine-covered trellises, and 20-foot trees. Flanked by balconies fronting hundreds of cabins, the park might make people wonder whether they’re really at sea. The space is called Central Park. Water Follies Forty resident thespians and water ballerinas will appear in nightly shows at two theaters. One troupe will stage Broadway-style productions in a 1,380-seat playhouse. The other will perform spectaculars at the outdoor AquaTheater, which is the ship's star attraction: wrapped in its own wind-shielded microclimate, it features 1,972 nozzles that spray water in concert with spotlights. 3,300 miles of electrical cables enough to stretch across the country The Grid 158,503 gallons of paint enough to paint the George Washington Bridge three times over 110,230 pounds of ice cubes made per day more than the weight of nine adult male elephants t*nfTfT rn rn rn rrrrrr Boeing 747 Oasis of the Seas 1.180 feet long, 154-foot beam, 240 feet tall, 220,000 gross registered USS Ronald Reagan RMS Titanic A floating municipality of 8,000 souls, the ship will be its own utility company. Everything from engines to icecube makers will plug into a 100-megawatt electrical grid. Six massive generators will produce the juice, enough to power 105,000 homes. They'll consume roughly 12 tons of diesel an hour. Steel Sails The ship's skyscraper-like topsides form more than 125,000 square feet of fixed steel sail, something old salts view as a troublemaker in a storm. The appointed skipper, Captain William Wright, expects only smooth sailing. He’ll command a bridge resembling a sci-fi-movie set, complete with joystick controls. Unless a manual override is tripped, computers will run the show-maintaining, at least in theory, a precise speed, heading, and hull sway even as the wind changes. Watchful Eyes From 2003 through 2006, 30 people went missing aboard cruise ships-the hows and whys lost with the bodies. Shipboard sleuthing is often hamstrung by logistics and competing interests: the typical case occurs in the waters of one country; the ship is flagged in another; and the victim, and any . suspected perp, might hail from \ others still. To stymie villainy, ^ \ 1,250 cameras will ^ . keep watch over ^ \ the vessel. ' xx"'/ tons

Emisfero cerebrate destro Cranio formato da 20 ossa Bulbo olfattivo (sente gli odori) Pericranio Emisfero cerebrate sinistro Glandola lacrímate Nervi olfattivi nella cavila nasale hrT Gabbia toracica Bicípite Trachea Sacco pleurico Polmone destro Cuore Tricípite Fegato Radio Vertebre lombari Sacro e coccige Muscoli addominali Nervo femorale Cinto pélvico Muscoli del palmo della mano Articolazione dellanca Muscoli della coscia Femore (osso della coscia) Gruppo di nodi linfatici intorno allinguine Strato di sinovia che awolge Tendini, legamenti e muscoli del piede\ Tendine del muscolo della coscia ginocchio Muscolo del polpaccio Alluce Pelle sottile e priva di peli (si trova suite mani e sui piedi) Fibula Tarso (caviglia) II corpo umano Viaggiare nel sistema circolatorio spinti dal sangue è comefarsi trascinare da un torrente: (mem dal cuore ai capillari ci vogliono solo 7y5 secondi. Cinque litri per vtvere Abbiamo 5 litri di sangue. Tre quinti sono nelle vene. I polmoni ne contengono 2 tace e mezzo. II resto è nel cuore. nelle arterie e nei capillari. Contro le infezioni, il sistema linfático Un gruppo di vasi costitulsce il sistema linfático, in cui circola un liquido lattiginoso, la linfa. Esso contiene i globuli bianchi che combattono le infezioni. II muscolo della masticazione É il piü forte del corpo: esercita pressioni che vanno da 75 chili a mezza tonnellata. Un orok>gk) affidabile II cuore é grande come un pugno, puo durare piü di 70 anni e pompa al minuto, in sangue. 70 votte il suo peso. Lo sbacüglio? É utile II riflesso dello sbadiglio immette aria nei polmoni se al cervello serve piü ossigeno. Muscoli facciali Muscoli del torace con vene e arterie che coprono la gabbia tor; Tronco cerebrale Massa grigla II nostro cervello come aspetto non è granché, ma è milionl di volte piü potente del piü grande dei computer attuali. 'Jfc í s « wl.a lii \ ■Pía madre mcTibr.tr.i che copre il \ & W il cervello) ; MÊ1 \ / JtSWk — Dura madre Ü® #11 wVl 1 - Orecchio Interno - Canale auricolare 1 u Cerveltetto ' Tromba di Eustachio Vertebre del eolio in sezione Muscolo deltoide Vasi e nodi linfatici raggruppati sotto lascella Omero Tessuto grasso con vene Parte anteriore della vescica Intestino tenue Veiocttá: 37,5 cm aU’ora L’apparato digerente, che si estende dalla bocca all ano, è lungo circa 9 metri. II cibo impiega piü o meno 24 ore a percorrere tutto il sistema digerente. Un chilo e mezzo di fegato Posto sotto i polmoni, a destra deU addome, il fegato è il piü pesante tra gli organi intemi: pesa infatti circa 1,5 kg. Fra le sue motte funzioni vi e quella di filtrare il sangue. Acktttá di stomaco Lacido clorídríco che si trova nello stomaco è abbastanza forte da corrodere il métallo. Talvolta perfora te stesse pareti dello stomaco, provocando un'ulcera. Un rivestimento di muco fa si che lo stomaco non si autodigerisca. Un container pleno di cibo Nei Paesi occidentali sviluppati una persona mangia in media quarante tonncllatc di cibo nel corso della sua vita. Abbastanza da riempire un container. Brindis! con la pipí L'urina fresca è completamente sterile. Persone prive di acqua sono riuscite a evitare la morte per disidratazione bovendola. L'ingestione di bietole puo colorarla di rosso. Questione di solletico La scienza medica non ¿ ancora riuscita a sptegare In modo convincente perchó non si possa fare il solletico a se stessi. Vescica Testicolo \ Rotula . ' h Articolazione del ginocchio con i vari legamenti Le ossa? Fort! come l'acdaio Le 206 ossa del corpo sono robuste quasi quanto una struttura d'acciaio o di allumink) di pari peso. Se fossero fatte in cemento, a paritá di resistenza dovrebbero pesare il quadruplo. Che cosa c’ó nella pelle La pelle ó un organo complesso. Sull'area di pelle coperta da un cerottino el sono 163 peli, 250 ghlandole sebacee, 1.600 ghlandole sudoríparo e 3.750 recettori nervosi. Dentro le mani Le ossa delle mani costituiscono la parte piü complessa dello scheletro. In ogni mano ci sono 27 ossa diverse. Tendine di Achille Riscaldamento muscolare In 7 mlnuti di sport agonístico i muscoli liberano tanto calore da far bollire un litro d'acqua.
Cockpit acccss tube Blaster targeting rangefinder .Viewport Shock absorber Piston drive prcssurizer . Knee joint brake Reinforced heavy armor Energizer and drive control systems — Footpad yaw strut Footpad Backpack charger troop bench > High-speed cable winch v Upper deck officer Up to 40 snowtroopcrs awaiting deployment ASSAULT CARRIERS AT-AT walkers can unleash their assault forces in several rapid waves using drop-lincs with attached harnesses. Boom racks extend lo drop combat troops and equipment over the side. Speeder bikes arc deployed using harnesses at front and back. ___ Atmosphere intake Extensible deployment cable rack. Energizer rods „ Fuel cell____ Deployment harness, Fuel pump_ /Targeting computers , Medium blaster cannon . Forward sensors Speeder/ bike garage Deployment, staging platform Heavy braces at these points lock AT-ATs into their landing barges Knee joint cover__ Service acccss cover. \ Class II heavy . Laser laser cannon power cell All-Terrain Abilities The thick armor plating of the Imperial walker makes it too heavy for cflcctivc rcpulsorlifts. hencc its huge legs for striding over obstacles and rugged terrain. While steep hillsides or deep swamps can thwart the progress of the walker. AT-AT pilots can guide walkers across surprisingly rugged ground. Vehicle commander Holographic communicator Ringed electromagnet systems enable the neck to flex , Ankle drive motor . Ankle pitch brake Command Cockpit The walker’s heavily armored head serves as a cockpit for the two pilots and the vehicle commander. On its exterior are mounted the vehicle's weapons systems. While both pilots arc fully qualified to perform all control functions, in normal practice one serves as driver while the other acts as gunner. Firing controls can at any time be yielded to the vehicle commandcr. who uses a periscope display capable of tactical and photographic readouts. The two pilots arc guided by terrain sensors under the cockpit and ground sensors built into the feet of the vehicle. Scans read the nature and shape of the terrain ahead, assuring infallible footing. Toe flap --Terrain sensor computer ^ . Toe flap piston c----Terrain scanners AT-AT Impulse terrain sensor, Macrobinocular vicwplatc Scout trooper wearing heated suit Antipersonnel pursuit gun Power/heater pack Deployed as weapons of terror, the gigantic Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport walkers advance inexorably on the battlefield like unstoppable giants. These behemoth monsters are shielded with heavy armor cladding, making them invulnerable to all but the heaviest turbolaser weaponry. Blaster bolts from ordinary turrets and cannons merely glance off the walker’s armor or are harmlessly absorbed and dissipated. A powerful reactor produces the raw energy needed to move this weighty battle machine. Cannons in the movable cockpit spit death and savagery at helpless foes below, cutting a swath of destruction which the mighty footpads then crash through. Breaking enemy lines with its blaster fire and lumbering mass, the walker functions as a troop carrier, holding in its body platoons of crack assault soldiers, ground weaponry, and speeder bike antipersonnel/reconnaissance vehicles. When this cargo of terror is released into the chaos and destruction a walker has created, another Imperial victory is nearly complete. Speeder Bikes AT-AT walkers usually canry a set of high-velocity repulsorlift speeder bikes for scouting or survivor-hunting missions. The speed and agility of these bikes complement the plodding might of the walkers, making the combined assault capability thorough and overwhelming. The colossal size and nightmarish animal resemblance of the AT-AT combine with its combat strengths to give it tremendous psychological power. Until the Battle of Hoth. no army had ever fought resolutely against an onslaught of walkers, so frightening and devastating is their presence.
Bio metabolizer Short range sensor Emergency air supply capsule Dust/corrosion proof armor Oil pressure motor unit Retractable interface needle Digestion organ pot Hip actuator unit Automatic holster unit Main energy battery Gun holder Shoulder unit Shoulder actuator unit Water pressure motor unit Anti-shock frame Ground sensors
SO million year old volcanic rock Fractured rocks »/U'i Hydrothermal Caldera fill 3.8to3.4billk)iiyear old granite basement Fractured rocks Granite batholitb Reartooth Range Cooke Cit> Madison Range Gallatin Range Vlamniith Tower Jet. ft* ' • Gallatin i r\ 5aüM/ Norris Jet Madison Jet Sour Creek''*. dome^-jPtP Yellow: 'çc№? Mallard Lake dome Old Faithful* miws Iron-rich slag from Yellowstone’s rhyolite lavas. i£toa&№*sourCC in ui>l)er mantle, 25 miles deep 30 Miles
Escape tower Command Module During their journey to the Moon, the astronauts lived in the Command Module. While two of them descended to the lunar surface, the third stayed behind in the orbiting craft. Building this capsule was perhaps the most complex task of the Apollo program: it had over two million parts (a car has about 2,000). 1. The pressurized crew compartment The Lunar Module linked wa$ only a little larger than a compact up to the Command Module car, but in this small space the astronauts at the docking ring. had to eat, sleep, work, and keep clean for over a week. Escape tower If the Saturn rocket caught fire on the ground or during launch, motors in the escape tower would ignite. The tower would then carry the Command Module clear of the launch site, and just high enough for its parachutes to open and slow its descent. The crezv crawled into the Lunar Module through The rocket 4 /lhis acces$ tunnei motor had A / _ the power .Drogue parachute of 4,300 cars. I ......\ Nearly 250 nylon strands tlplk held the capsule to the \ landing parachutes. Sli / heat shield : : 1 1! was J"<Jde up of seven different / layers. Saturn V WHEN THE AMERICAN SPACE PROGRAM FINALLY achieved a Moon landing on July 20, 1969, :m LJQ the Apollo 11 spacecraft was launched by yjf It |gf a Powerful rocket called Saturn V. The most powerful rocket ever, Saturn 1/ was used to launch all the Apollo spacecraft on lunar missions. The rocket stood 363 feet (110 meters) high and ( had three stages, each of which fell away when it ran out of fuel. To follow what happened as Saturn V took off, start at the first stage at the bottom right of the page. 2. Special shields surrounded the Command Module to protect it from the intense heat generated by reentering the Earth's atmosphere. The Command Module fell through the atmosphere until it was 24,000 feet (7,300 m) above the ocean. Then small "drogue" parachutes opened to slow the descent. The main parachutes opened later, slowing the craft enough to splash into the ocean safely. ? flight computer had only 32K of memory - today's home computers have 100 tunes as much. Escape tower Command Module Service Module Section housing Lunar Module _ Instrument unit Third stage Apollo spacecraft Lunar Module pilot The Mission Commander and the other astronauts wore their suits during the launch, but later slipped into something more comfortable. Space suit On the Moon, Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs or space suits) protected astronauts from the vacuum of space, and from heat, cold, radiation, and meteors. Each astronaut had three tailormade EMUs: one mission suit, one training suit, and one backup suit. Command Module pilot Interstage ring Small jets were positioned all around the spacecraft. — ^tS Controlling the firing of these — rockets enabled the astronauts t0 turn the craft. "I—:| S^ond stage SERVICE MODULE \ j t "~i| Attached to the base of the yfe_dtj§ Command Module, the tubular ^ D ‘ Service Module carried jjk Interstage ring supplies of fuel and oxidizer, plus water and ■ D jr\ 1 oxygen for the crew. Its rocket Y ki............ |j motor moved the spacecraft A. ijSl | into Moon orbit, and powered ./? | it back to Earth. Service Module \| Eirst stage LUNAR MODULE engine I ¿-JBII The Lunar Module was the only part of i U| @ the Apollo 11 mission to land on the i ^ I Moon. On launch, the Lunar Module was placed below the Command ^ and Service Modules (CSM). jKfrJSSk M fiUk Once out of Earth orbit, the petallike doors protecting the q|j§ Lunar Module fell away. The crew ^¡| then separated the CSM, turned it upside down and linked up with the exposed Lunar Module. Finally, springs separated LIFTOFF! the Lunar Module from the third stage. The picture above shows how the three stages of the rocket and the sections of the spacecraft fit together. The filling in\ the honeycomb structure of the zvalls cooled the ** craft. 2. The EMU was actually three garments: liquid-cooled underwear, a pressurized suit, and a protective cover. 1. The fabrics were high-tech but the construction process was conventional. Expert workers sewed the seams. Small tubes were sewn into the fabric of the underwear. 4. Hoses at chest level carried oxygen from the suit through the ^ Portable Life Jk Support System ¿3 (PLSS), which tP filtered it to remove carbon dioxide, flatulence, and moisture from sweat. 3. To reduce sweating, cool water circulated through small tubes running through the all-in-one underwear. / Sweat was not ¡0 only uncomfortable, it also misted the helmet visor, blocking vision. Engine nozzle I Antennae for transmitting and receiving information from mission control. In the Moon's thin atmosphere __ the Lunar Module did not need to be streamlined. It had an angular, buglike shape. Technicians pasted a scratchy Velcro pad inside each helmet because astronauts complained that they couldn't scratch their noses. / Under their suits Apollo astronauts wore diapers, but hated using them. Building the Lunar Module The Lunar Module was made up of two parts The descent stage took the craft from the orbiting Command Module to the Moon, where it was left behind. Meanwhile, the astronauts returned to the Command Module in the ascent stage. ^ Descent stage Spring thrusters helped remove the panels of the adapter.' During launch, this adapter protected the Lunar Module and held the Command and Service Modules in place. When the spacecraft left Earth orbit, the adapter's panels opened like flower petals. Layers of nickel, I aluminum, and reflective Mylar protected the outside of the Lunar Module from the Sun's heat. The Mylar was carefully hand-crumpled before installation 'to improve its insulating qualities. Special boots and gloves locked to the suit. Ascent stage 5. Each of the first five EMUs cost $1 million. They were constantly improved until they allowed complete freedom and were comfortable enough to wear for up to seven hours. 1. Construction of the descent stage began with the aluminum frames that supported the engine, fuel, and oxidizer tanks. Technicians poured methylated spirit and water mixture into the coolant system. This kept the delicate electronics from overheating. Instrument unit At the top of the third stage, the Instrument Unit housed the "brains" of Saturn V. IBM computers steered the rocket motors, ensuring that the spacecraft traveled into the correct orbit. In case of breakdown, each computer had three twin "sisters" that could take over. 1. The ascent stage was the "cab" in which the crew would travel. Engineers welded and bolted it together from carefully milled aluminum sub-assemblies. An umbilical connector carried data to the ground while the rocket stood on its launch pad. 2. A honeycomb material filled the buglike legs. Touchdown crushed the honeycomb, absorbing the force of the impact. Thermal tiles 1.5 in (37 mm) thick kept the contents of the liquid oxygen and hydrogen tanks ultra-cold. The tiles were so effective that if ice had filled one'of these tanks, it would have taken twelve years to reach room temperature. Eight spheres contained high-pressure helium gas, which forced LOX into the engines. 2. When the ascent stage structure was complete, assembly continued in a clean room, where engineers installed life-support, propulsion, and navigation sub-systems. Third Stage The third and smallest stage of the Saturn V launcher was the only one to reach Earth orbit. After circling the Earth once or twice, the astronauts fired its engine for the last time to blast their craft toward the Moon. Its work complete, the discarded third stage became just another piece of space junk. The liquid hydrogen fuel was stored at -423°F (-252*0. Liquid oxy (LOX) tan. 3. Technicians installed the pipework, and wrapped the descent stage in its "tinfoil" blanket. Inside all the tanks there were structures called baffles to stop the contents from' sloshing around. 3. A thin aluminum skin covered the protective thermal blanket of the ascent stage to protect crew and equipment from micrometeorites. Stage separation system, A service tunnel carried power and control cables along the exterior. More than 2,500,000 soldered joints linked these cables. The third stage had just one J2 engine to provide power. The Rocketdyne company test-fired the )2 engine 2,500 times on the ground to check its reliability and to measure thrust. Assembly When each stage was complete, the two were finally put together. Lunar Rover To enable astronauts to explore a greater area of the Moon's surface, three missions carried an electric buggy called the Lunar Roving \ Vehicle (LRV). Its appearance and expense caused some ^e<LiZ' American politicians -t to question "how -iSfr -i} three golf carts could / \ Wij cost $40 million?" — -jlltth Tiny auxiliary propulsion rockets fine-tuned the spacecraft's position in Earth orbit. Workers assembling the tank aligned its rings using sophisticated measuring devices and old-fashioned plumb lines. Retro-rockets helped separate the rocket's stages when the third stage motor fired. (The wheels had I outer rubber treads 1. The LRV's three-piece chassis had to be light, yet strong enough to transport two astronauts, their equipment, and rock samples. , Navigation device Second stage When fuel ran out in the first stage, explosives detached it, and the five second-stage engines ignited. They lifted the Saturn V launcher and its payload -the Apollo spacecraft - to an altitude of 114 miles (184 km). 1. The fuel and oxidizer in the second-stage tanks weighed as much three blue whales, yet the tanks had no supporting structure inside. They were built like an egg; in proportion to their diameter, the immensely strong walls were as thin as eggshell. 2. The huge pipe that refueled the second stage pumped 166 gallons W (630 liters) a second - fast enough to w fill the fuel tank of a car in just a l \ tenth of a second. A "honeycomb" structure, similar to the shape of wax celts in a beehive, made the walls of Saturn V extremely strong. Chester wasnt too sure what to expect, but wore his bee suit, just in case, Wire wheels provided a firm ?rip on ’the thick dust of the Moon's surface. 3. The Boeing company manufactured special "tires" using mesh-covered & piano wire. 2. A navigation device pointed the direction and distance to the Lunar Module. Such complex equipment raised the cost Workers test the folding mechanism. J2 rocket engines burned liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. 4. The Rover folded into a box the size of a refrigerator ^ to stow away in the Lunar Module. To unfold and assemble it, astronauts • stapty pulled a /j\ jgjg cord. Interstage ring TV cameras linked iofiberoptics Small rockets called i ullage rockets provided artificial gravity to ensure that the fuel anc oxidizer covered the outlets when the engines fired. First stage The gigantic first stage was the height of a 10-story building, and when filled with propellant, it made up half the weight of the rocket. Six moving vans would fit easily inside its cavernous tanks. These tanks fed fuel and oxidizer to five FI rocket engines. The \ most powerful rocket engines ever built, they lifted 1 the vast launcher to a height of 38 miles (61 km) 1 in just 2.5 minutes. The "Range Safety System'' consisted of explosive charges designed to blow up the launcher if it strayed from course, thereby protecting the range (launch site) and anyone in the path of the runaway rocket.. Weightlessness and fuel In near-zero gravity conditions, liquid fuel and oxidizer float freely inside the tanks. This means that vapor, not liquid, could flow to the engines, stopping them from burning. Firing small "ullage" rockets prevented this from happening. By accelerating Saturn V for just a moment, the ullage rockets pushed the fuel and oxidizer to the bottom of the tanks, where the outlets were. The main engines could then fire safely. 1. The first stage separated after 30 seconds, when explosives blasted off the interstage ring. Although it was the height of a house, and traveling at 6,000 mph (10,000 kph), the ring had to slip past the second stage engines without touching them. Despite the huge size of the launcher; it was not Heavy until the fuel tanks were full. Ocean-going ships transported the launcher to a dock near the launch site in Florida. Some smaller sections even traveled in a specially modified aircraft. 2. The motors of the first stage used paraffin fuel. When mixed with pure oxygen, paraffin explodes, producing enough power to lift the 3,048-ton (2,766-tonne) launch vehicle high into the air. The intensity of the heat given off would be enough to set fire to a carpet 2 miles (3 km) away. The ivalls of each fuel tank had eight layers. ^ Fiberoptics relay images from lenses monitoring the engines to TV cameras placed a safe distance from the flames. Electrical equipment and batteries provided power for controlling the first stage, and for measuring its performance. For greater reliability there were two complete sets: if one failed, the other took over automatically.-- Liquid oxygen The engines were bolted to thrust posts on the enormous, strong thrust structure, which carried the whole weight of the fueled launcher. Chester refused to light the rocket motors with a match, so instead, engineers pumped hypergot into the engine. When this liauid comes into contact with air, it bursts into flame, igniting the paraffin/oxygen mixture. The Vehicle Assembly Building The gigantic launch vehicle makes NASA workers look like ants by comparison. They put together the rocket inside a specially built hangar called a Vehicle Assembly Building. It was the largest building in the world on its completion, and it is big enough to enclose 3,700 family houses. The poxoer of the FI engines pressed the astronauts into their seats with a force of 4.5 g (4.5 times normal gravity). Astronauts describe this as an "eyeballs-in " g-force.
плакаты,как это работает,в разрезе,длинный пост,продолжение под катом
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Больше схем богу... нувыпоняли.
Height*.............• U 6' to upper deck Lcngthi.................... . 34" Width; ....................... 20 Weight (unladen): ........ 72 tooncs Weight (fully laden): ......... SI tonnes Armour thickncss: Front hull .......... . 375’ Side hull ................. 369" Rear hair
откуда это? не из мехвариора?
конечно из него
первая схема - крепость ватикана?
Автор!!! СУПЕР!!!
Что за бред на последней картине?
Система отопления
Это система подачи ку(а)рри.
чего то захотелось в anno 1404 поиграть
блин.. пришел пъянючий и зашел на реактор, выглядит супер, но я сейчас не в состоянии что-то разобрать.. все завтра))))))
Бля!!! Как это охуенно! ЕЩЕ! ЕЩЕ!
Обожал в детстве эти схемы в разных историко-научно-фантастических энциклопедиях, РОСМЕН выпускал такие в 90-00х
Мне бы альбом с такими схемами, выключил бы интернет ебаный, и с чаем на диване изучал бы!
поддерживаю, хоть и тяжело было все осознать (писал выше, что пьян), надо было постить сиськи или котов.
Просто отлично описал все и пох, если снова заминусят. Я инженер и очень люблю подобные вещи.
У меня давно сложилось ощущение, что в инженеры идут на 80% романтики и 20% мечтатели, по принципу, увидел в детстве картинку, выбрал профессию. А вот гуманитарии, 99% прагматики хитрожопые)
а если я хитрожопый романтик-мечтатель?
то тебе таки надо заниматься музыкой.
+ за warhammer )
ЭТА ПЯТЬ !!!!!!!
Эй, звереложец, ты - полезен.
Бля... Не могу поверить, что это он. Этот пост заставляет меня немного изменить свою точку зрения на фуррей ((
Хотя спасибо Фредди и Хелфорду, что еще с детства дали нам понять: будь ты трижды гений и талант - все равно пидр и фу таким быть. :)
А ты кто такая, чтобы судить окружающих? :)
Спасибо автор!
Я вот чего не понимаю: если известно из чего это состоит и как оно работает - хера ли до сих пор не летаем на Ентерпрайзах в компании робокопов (женской версии)?
Потому что это работать не будет
Затраты такие, что легче наплодить китайцев и послать драться
Собрать туже Звезду Смерти возможно только на орбите, что довольно проблематично
И всякая чушь в духе: ионный лазер пробивает плазменный щит фантазии авторов.
укажите пожалуйста источник
чего?колизей-журнал геоленок.
Красиво. Но, блин, как же мне надоели пушки в крепости, которые стреляют одновременно.
Респект тебе , автор!! Побольше таких постов.
lunes lunes10.01.201309:22ответитьссылка -0.1
Красота, что еще можно сказать.
пост так охуенен, что я до сих пор не могу перестать дрочить
вот ведь кто-то не заёбся рисовать
cyk72 cyk7210.01.201310:57ответитьссылка -0.2
Я смотрю Росомаха совсем разбушевался.
Всегда в детстве нравились такие схемы в энциклопедиях, просто обожал из разглядывать.
Супер классно!
На ракете Saturn V на второй ступени показана пчела и соты :) Это чтобы космонавты могли есть мед в космосе? ^.^
Mousy Mousy10.01.201316:59ответитьссылка -0.1
А понял, это фантазия одного из рабочих.
Там мужик в костюме пчелы, и огромные соты.
В соты другие мужики залезают.
А тот что в костюме пчелы кромит их своим... медом.

Фетиш такой.
Ааа.. так более понятно. :)
да, в детстве любил такие схемы рассматривать в энциклопедиях, а сейчас смотришь на них и понимаешь - НИХУЯСЕБЕ КАК ЖЕ ИХ СЛОЖНО И ДОЛГО РИСОВАТЬ БЛЯДЬ! СУКА КАЖДУЮ МЕЛОЧЬ НАРИСУЙ, РАСКРАСЬ, ВЫВЕДИ КАЖДУЮ ЛИНИЮ, КАЖДЫЙ ШТРИХ И ЧТОБЫ НА ОРИГИНАЛ БЫЛО ПОХОЖЕ
я думал энтерпрайз побольше =(
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