Omni + Rift = True VR (TF2),Games,,Virtuix Omni - Move naturally in VR http://www.virtuix.com Stay tuned for updates: http://www.facebook.com/virtuixomni The Omni is a natural motion interface for virtual reality applications. Move freely and naturally in your favorite game. Get immersed! Kickstarter to follow in late May / early June. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay tuned regarding any updates, or sign up for our newsletter on our website! In response to questions: The Omni allows for jumping. You just need to jump, and our tracking software translates your jump to a jump of your avatar in the game. Crouching is tough to reconcile with a support assembly that is meant to prevent you from falling down. However, we emulate crouching by bending over. Our software will translate bending down to a crouch in the game. Not full crouching, but it works. Strafing is possible, too. See our non-game demo on our channel. Note that the importance of strafing will decrease once we have de-coupled the user's viewing direction from walking direction (then you can walk forward and shoot sideways, which is more natural than strafing). How often do you strafe in real life? VR is meant to give you a real life experience in a virtual world. Our Kickstarter rewards will include a DIY option with just the base and support ring, so that you can build your own support structure. We want to learn as much as possible from the creativity and input of the community. We have not confirmed pricing yet, but hope to get the fully integrated Omni motion interface in the $400-$600 range (excl. shipping). This includes our tracking hardware and software, ready to play with any game that uses keyboard input. Happy to answer any other questions you may have!
video,Team Fortress 2,omni+rift,Настоящая вертуальна реальность
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