Darrell K. Sweet - Between Planets, 1978
#retro science fiction Darrell K. Sweet
Darrell K. Sweet - The Rolling Stones, 1977.
#retro science fiction
NASA concept art, 1978: “Two proposed solar polar spacecraft, nested atop the Space Shuttle’s Solid Spinning Upper Stage, begin a voyage to the Sun’s polar regions by way of Jupiter. The spacecraft, one designed and built by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the second by the European Space Agency, would be launched in 1983. Jet Propulsion Laboratory would have management responsibility for the U.S. spacecraft and would be control center for the mission.”
#retro science fiction
1977 NASA concept art depict a “spider” design for a space station used as a hub for the space shuttle: “A solar array was to be unwound from the exhausted main fuel tank. The structure could then be formed and assembled in one operation. The main engine tank would then be used as a space operations control center, a Shuttle astronaut crew habitat, and a space operations focal point for missions to the Moon and Mars.” (NASA)