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EVERYDAY SCIENCE AND MECHANICS far NOV..DEC.. 1934 EVERYDAY SCIENCE AND MECHANICS /or NOV..DEC., 193« STATEROOMS GRAND SALON DININGROOM OUTERSHELL HEATEO BY EXHAUST CASES FROM ENGINES PREVENTING ICE FORMATION STERN DYNAMIC CONTROL RUOOER PROPELLER . GYMNASIUM KIT01EN WATER SUPPLY \ RADIO ROOM^ WOPEUER CONTROL BRIDGE ^ o,AM,ETe« mm ÜTTÜlBMMBtf. I'mZSZT i1, iBl. DYNAMIC STEERING CONTROL MOTORS FUEL TANKS CXtSEC ENGINES ELEVATOR MOTORS FREIGHT ELEVATOR GAKAC.t " ELECTRIC PCWEA PLANT MOTORS TOR RETRACTING . RECEPTION IIALL COMPARATIVE SIZE OF OCEAN AIR LINER AND BATTLESHIP RETRACTA8LE PONTOONS Control" Airliner GERNSBACK is ned Ml¡7 airworthy. but 1» seasrartly as writ Il M also a foregone ceasvosl«* that «Ilea a 10.000-1» aireraft is lesilt. il «III r,A 1« a larsd-typr plane Sal far obvious reasons «III have to Uni in water. This makes the landing ae-.l taking off mock easier and mare praclirat; leeas« it «(«U be nsost difficult to take off »ilk. ar Land. a IOAOO-t«i «eight on terra ¿ram. Tbe question may be raised, why sorb a lane «raft? T»e same principle that bolds gcod for larsrc Mean liters ha&is gcsxl far la rice airplanes. In the first place, in order to make it as crenotniral as passible, the craft itast carry a sufficient amount of freight and paaacegers, and It asust also le sufficiently speedy: and. sf past history is a teaeher. it will «e fours« that higher and higher transatlantic speeds are needed. Tie new French express steamer. iVerasessdse. will make the Atlantic creasing freest fOslweed oh pepe CM) By HUGO • THE tendency at Ike present tiase in airplane building Is toward ceesstantly Increasing site. Il is probalJy realised by all who has* coneerred them-selves with asreraft that the larger machines are not very far In the future. Freni the earliest Wright airplane, whieh weighed approximately 's ton. to the present record holdrr. the DOX. whieh sreighed fifty t»s. took a period of son« Id years. The 10.000 ton airplane, projected on a Ilk* tlase-scale, would, therefor*, make iu appearance not lat*r than the year IMS. Hoaever. with the nature of the present-day technique. It is quit* possible, at this moment, that the 10WO ten plane will I* here much sosncr. It is already becoming apparent tkat Ideas of tic ordinary «van tirera are more and more cmhodcd In airplane construction; and In all probability this tendency will be followed In years to come. In ether words, what we will has* is a (fgray sens finer that STERN CONTROL PROPELLER (SEPARATE MOTOR) PONTOONS RETRACTED LATERAL CONTROL PROPELLER LATERAL CONTROL PROPELLER CONTROL BRIDGE TWIN POWER PLANTS OPERATING SIMULTANEOUSLY OR INDEPENDENTLY RETRACTABLE PONTOON DISAPPEARS INTO HULL 80 FT SNELETONIZEO PROPELLER WELO-PLATING
Original UONEY-MAKINû PLANS SEE PAGE 476 HUGO GERNSBACK W Editor The Helicoplane Seo Page 464
Double-Tier Decks Unusual Feature of This Giant Air Liner's Design galley DOUBLE ROW FOR PAS53 DINING MAIL PILOT'S CABIN FR0GHT DOOR OPENING ON WING FOR ENGINE REPAIRS IN FLIGHT CREWS MECHANICS QUARTERS ROOM Interior arrangements of the Lawson air liner include seats and sleeping accommodations for passengers in case of long distance flights, as well as a freight storage section and a mail room where letters are sorted in flight. The double-deck arrangement is a special feature of the liner.
An artist's conception of Mr. Knott’s air liner. Til К most unusual design brought to our attention thisinonth is the air liner invented by Mr. K. Knott of Lewisham, England, who hopes to cross the Atlantic with a ship of this type carrying 6(H) passengers in from 12 to 15 hours. Here is a photograph of the model of this unusual ship which the inventor calls a heliplane. With eight horizontal propellers, the plane is supposed to be able to rise straight off the ground without any preliminary run and to land safely in almost its own length. Inventions (or January 57
9 8 4 3 1 7 6 5 2
The super-clipper loading at its dock. 1. Dining salon and promenade: 2. Cocktail lounge: 3. Control bridge and officers’ quarters; 4. Forward wing staterooms; 5. Fuselage staterooms; 7. Inboard wing staterooms; 8. Starboard forward engine compartment; 9. Center aft engine compartment; 10. Galley; 11. Crew quarters; 12. Cargo space; 13. Landing gear. XR
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